
  • 网络animal communication
  1. 听觉系统对声刺激中随时间快速变化的信息的处理能力对动物通讯及人的言语等功能有重要作用。

    The ability of auditory system processing the transient change of temporal information in sound stimuli plays an important role in animal communication and human speech .

  2. 动物声通讯及听觉机理研究新进展

    Progress in Acoustic Communication and Auditory Processing in Animals

  3. 目前,在对啮齿动物嗅觉通讯神经通路的研究中,对主嗅觉系统和犁鼻器系统在动物嗅觉通讯中的作用仍将是人们研究的重点;

    Currently , among the research areas in neuro-pathway of olfactory communication in rodents , main olfactory system , vomeronasal system , and their olfactory communication functions are still the focal points .

  4. “记住,这些猫训练它们的主人,”研究作者卡伦麦库姆,一位苏赛克斯大学动物发声通讯心理学专家。

    " Remember , these cats have years to train up their owners ," said study author Karen McComb , a specialist in animal vocal communication in the department of psychology at the University of Sussex .

  5. 细胞缝隙连接通讯(GJIC)是动物体内细胞通讯的重要方式之一,参与调控细胞的生长与分化。

    Gap junctional intercellular communication ( GJIC ) is one of important communication among cells in living system , and plays an essential role in regulation of cell growth and differentiation .

  6. 结合陈村大坝自动化监测系统建设实例,介绍了混凝土坝安全监测自动化系统土建工程的设计与施工方法,解决了现场设备防雷、防潮、防人为和动物破坏,通讯和电源传输等问题。

    This article introduces the civil design and construction for dam safety monitoring automation system . Those steps have resolved lots of problems including preventing site equipment from destructive thunder , wet , destroyed intentionally by people and wild animals , and communication and power transmission etc.