
  • 网络animal right
  1. 他从来没有真正赞同过动物权利保护者的目标。

    He has never really sympathized with the aims of Animal Rights activists .

  2. 动物权利保护主义者把55只狐狸从毛皮动物饲养场放了出来。

    Fifty-five foxes were released from a fur farm by animal rights activists

  3. 动物权利保护者指出动物园实际上是动物的牢笼,经常很残酷地对待动物。

    Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel .

  4. 动物权利保护者和该国多家动物园展开了越来越激烈的论战。

    Animal rights activists have been engaged in an increasingly bitter war of words with many of the nation 's zoos .

  5. 动物权利保护团体对韩国司法部的这项修正案表示欢迎,同时呼吁对虐待动物行为实施更严厉的处罚,并推行狗肉禁令。

    Animal rights groups welcomed the justice ministry 's plan while also calling for stricter penalties for animal abuse and a ban on dog meat .

  6. LadyGaga上周还身穿“肉制比基尼”登上日本《时尚先生》封面,这招致了动物权利保护组织的批评。

    Meanwhile , last week Lady Gaga appeared on the cover of Japanese Men 's Vogue wearing a meat bikini and attracting criticism from animal rights groups .

  7. 她多年来一直从事动物权利的工作。

    She 's been involved with animal rights for many years .

  8. 您是怎样想到动物权利这个主题的呢?

    How did you arrive at the topic of animal rights ?

  9. 当谈论到动物权利的时候,这是一个很重要的特征点。

    This is an important distinction when talking about animal rights .

  10. 动物权利论或者动物主体论是一个时髦的话题。

    Animal rights theory or animal subjects theory is a fashionable topic .

  11. 报道说,义大利是世界上动物权利法施行最严格的国家。

    Italy has some of the world 's toughest animal rights laws .

  12. 首先作为总统候选人时奥巴马谈到过工厂化养殖和动物权利。

    First Obama talks about factory farming and animal rights as a candidate .

  13. 许多动物权利组织联合起来保护这种濒危动物。

    Animal rights groups have rallied to the cause of this endangered species .

  14. 但这个案子与动物权利无关。

    But this case is not about animal rights .

  15. 在4月的议会选举中,一个小党派呼吁保护动物权利。

    In parliamentary elections in April , one small party championed animal rights .

  16. 动物权利极端分子闯进大楼并且释放全部实验室动物。

    Animal rights extremists broke into the building and released all the laboratory animals .

  17. 动物权利思想历史考察

    Study on the history of animal rights ideology

  18. 你不是个动物权利保护者吧?

    You 're not one of those animal rights nut jobs , are ya ?

  19. 动物权利主体论质疑

    Disserting on Right Querying of the Theory of Animal 's Subject Status in Legal Relationship

  20. 成为动物权利保护积极分子。

    And became an animal rights activist .

  21. 他们为动物权利而斗争。

    They fight for animal rights .

  22. 把数百只流浪猴关进笼子,也遭到了动物权利保护主义者的抗议;

    Animal-rights activists protested when hundreds of unruly monkeys were rounded up and shut in cages .

  23. 如果某些环境保护和动物权利的团体表示关注,那还可能难办。

    That may be tricky , given the concerns raised by some environmental and animal-rights groups .

  24. 动物权利保护者抨击该公司把母猪限制在窄小的猪栏里。

    Animal-rights activists blasted it for confining female pigs to narrow pens known as gestation stalls .

  25. 动物权利作为环境伦理学的话题,近几十年来得到了广泛的讨论。

    The animal rights as the topic of environmental ethics has been extensively discussed in recent decades .

  26. 尽管如此,动物权利保护者不是说人类没有权利用动物做实验。

    Still , animal rights activists say that humans have no right to use animals in experiments .

  27. 动物权利问题的探讨实质上是所有非人类中心主义道德思考的第一步。

    Explore the animal rights issues is essentially the first step of the moral thinking of all non-anthropocentrism .

  28. 这项禁令是拉丁美洲国家近来在动物权利立法浪潮中最近通过的一项法令。

    The ban is the latest in a wave of animal rights legislation passed in Latin American countries .

  29. 动物权利研究

    Research on Animal Rights

  30. 人与自然公正的双重伦理底蕴&以动物权利理论为视角

    The Double Ethical Insides of The Justice Between Human-being And Nature Under The Viewpoint of The Animal Rights Theories