
  • 网络Our Dynamic Earth
  1. 动力地球表面形变

    SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY IN DYNAMIC EARTH A Study on Earth Structural Force

  2. 地震波各向异性为动力地球作用过程的研究提供了一种崭新的手段,它的科学潜力是巨大的、空前的,正逐步形成一个地震学的重要分支&各向异性地震学。

    Seismic anisotropy provides a new means in the study of dynamic Earth process and comes into being an important branch of seismology : anisotropic seismology .

  3. 具有在自身动力和地球引力影响下飞行物体特征的或与之有关。

    Relating to or characteristic of the motion of objects moving under their own momentum and the force of gravity .

  4. 由于该算法是在模拟器中使用的,因此算法不必和现实的定位算法那样考虑很多实际的物理因素,如地球的摄动力、地球的引力、太阳光压等因素。

    In the algorithm many physical factors do not need to be considered such as the gravitation of the earth and the sun pressure .

  5. 主要内容有:(1)顾及了高阶岁差章动力矩对地球自转的影响;

    The primary contents consist of : ( 1 ) considering influence of high order precession-nutation moment on Earth rotation ;

  6. 盆地演化过程中,压实流体系统温度场、动力场和地球化学场可以通过地质研究和数字模拟来重塑。

    The course of basin evolution , thermal field of compaction fluid system , dynamic field and geochemical field can be demonstrated by geological research and numerical simulation .

  7. 另外,你的学习将会包含理论的和应用的科学例如野外的实习以学习地球动力过程和地球及其他行星的结构。

    Moreover , your study here will encompass theoretical and experimental science as well as fieldwork to study geodynamic processes and the structure of the Earth and other planets .

  8. 通过分析各种地壳运动假说,提出了地幔胀缩力和重力是地壳运动的主要动力来源,地球自转离心力和潮汐摩擦力是地壳运动的次要动力来源。

    This paper holds that Earth 's gravity , expanding and contracting pressures of mantle are major dynamic sources for crustal movement , while centrifugal force from of the Earth 's rotation and tidal frictional force are secondary dynamic source .

  9. 木星:我们的塞斯纳没法在木星上飞行,因为那里的重力太强了,维持飞行所需的动力是在地球上的4倍。

    Jupiter : Our Cessna wouldn 't be able to fly on Jupiter ; the gravity is just too strong . The power needed to maintain level flight under Jupiter 's gravity is three times greater than that on Earth .

  10. 瓦斯突出能量标志的建立,成为了联系瓦斯突出动力现象和地球物理场的桥梁和纽带,为提出全新的基于地球物理场的瓦斯突出预测理论和预测方法提供理论基础。

    The establishment of energy indication of gas outburst became a bridge and tie linking the dynamic phenomena and geophysical field of gas outburst , thus providing a new theoretical basis for the prediction theory and method of gas outburst based on the geophysical field .

  11. 金动力迁移的构造地球化学实验研究

    Experimental study in structural geochemistry of gold dynamical migration

  12. 其动力主要来源于地球自转造成的地应力变化。

    Their dynamics is the ground - stress change caused by the Earth rotation .

  13. 抛射以及随后的太阳海啸使科学家们能更好地理解海啸的动力机制及其在地球上的成因。

    The injection and subsequent solar tsunami gave scientists a greater understanding of the dynamics of a tsunami and how they occur on Earth .

  14. 以系统理论为指导,从地下水形成演化的介质场、水动力场和水文地球化学场角度研究西北内陆盆地地下水循环模式。

    In the highlight of system theory , this paper discusses groundwater system circulation and evolution model in inland basins of Northwest of China . The research is based on the comprehensive analysis of the aquifer medium , hydraulic field and geochemistry characteristics .

  15. 要提高预报轨道拟合的精度,关键是要对摄动力简化特别是地球引力摄动高阶项的截断以及日月引力场简化造成的轨道预报精度损失加以控制。

    M. Therefore controlling the precision loss of orbital prediction cased by the simplification of models of perturbation force , especially by the truncation of high order terms of Earth gravitational perturbation and simplification of models of Sun and lunar gravitational fields can improve the fitting precision of prediction orbit .

  16. 地质环境变化的动力是地外天体引力、地球内动力、地球表层外动力和人类社会工程经济活动4种地质作用。

    The dynamic forces of geo-environmental changes are the gravitational force of celestial bodies , endogenetic force in the Earth , exogenetic force on the Earth surface and human activities .

  17. 在全球构造驱动力源与驱动机制研究方面,开始由单一动力驱动机制研究转入多种动力因子所构成地球动力系统的综合研究。

    The geodynamic study of global tectonics has developed from a single dynamic driving mechanism to the geodynamic system consisting of many dynamic factors .