
  1. 加萨走廊激烈枪战,五名巴勒斯坦人死亡。

    Heavy clashes in gaza ; 5 Palestinians killed overall .

  2. 白宫严词抨击以色列突击加萨走廊。

    White House harshly criticizes Israeli attack on Gaza strip .

  3. 不再是叙利亚的城市加萨。

    No longer in the city Gasa in Syria .

  4. 参孙有过许多强有力的行为,比如杀死一头狮子和移动加萨之门。

    Samson performed many powerful acts , including slaying a lion and moving the gates of Gaza .

  5. 运货卡车来来往往,如蜜蜂般将货物运往欧洲偏远地区,或者运往马德里和萨拉加萨附近的机场装机运往中国或者巴西。

    Lorries come and go like honeybees , taking the goods to far-flung parts of Europe or to airports near Madrid and Zaragoza for freighting to China or Brazil .

  6. 「加萨地区一名哭泣的巴勒斯坦儿童,会让安卡拉一名母亲柔肠寸断。」艾尔段日前在开罗对阿拉伯国家联盟演说时表示。他精心算计的修辞语言,取悦了阿拉伯大众。

    " A Palestinian child crying in Gaza wrenches a mother 's heart in Ankara ," Erdogan told the Arab League in Cairo on Tuesday , using language calculated to delight Arab masses .

  7. 哈玛斯和绝大部分由法塔所组成的巴勒斯坦自治政府,分别在加萨地区和约旦河西岸地区建立相同机构,包括个别的安全部队。

    Hamas and the Palestinian Authority ( 5 )( PA ), largely made up of Fatah , have built up competing institutions in Gaza and the West Bank , including separate security forces .

  8. 另一方面,分析家表示,哈玛斯对抗以色列的政策,使得哈玛斯在加萨地区的支持率下降,因为这已经造成数百名巴勒斯坦人死亡,并扼杀了加萨地区的经济。

    On the other hand , analysts say support for Hamas has dropped in Gaza over its policy of confrontation with Israel , which has left hundreds of Palestinians dead and suffocated the local economy .