
  1. 等她师父把加持力收回去以后,她更受不了!

    After her master took back the blessing power , it became even more unbearable .

  2. 不过我们应该修行好,才有这个加持力。

    However , we need to practice well before we can have the power to bless .

  3. 一旦误杀,它都能得到佛的加持力,往生净土。

    Supposing killed accidentally , may it will be reborn in the Pure Land under the blessings of Buddha .

  4. 上师是诸佛、师和觉悟者三者加持力的结晶。

    The master - the guru - embodies the crystallization of the blessings of all buddhas , masters , and enlightened beings .