
  • 网络University of California-Irvine;University of California Irvine;University of California, Irvine;UC Irvine;uci
  1. 加州大学欧文分校放射肿瘤学教授CharlesLimoli说:“我们的研究发现为干细胞可以逆转放射导致的大脑健康组织损伤认识方面提供了有力的证据。”

    Our findings provide solid evidence that such cells can be used to reverse radiation-induced damage of healthy tissue in the brain ," said Charles Limoli , a UCI radiation oncology professor . "

  2. 在加州大学欧文分校进行的这项试验中,研究人员将多能人神经干细胞中移植到经放射治疗的大鼠的脑部。

    For the UCI study , multipotent human neural stem cells were transplanted into the brains of rats that had undergone radiation treatment .

  3. 加州大学欧文分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine)的细胞生物学教授林欣说,气无法客观地观测到。

    Qi can 't be measured objectively , says Shin Lin , a professor of cell biology at the University of California , Irvine .

  4. 加州大学欧文分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine)病毒研究中心(CenterforVirusResearch)主任路易斯·维拉里尔(LuisP.Villarreal)说,“生命的自我维持能力源于”原始的病毒“团体”。

    It was the primordial viral " collective , " said Luis P. Villarreal , director of the Center for Virus Research at the University of California , Irvine , " that originated the capacity for life to be self-sustaining . "

  5. 关于意识的神经机制的研究兴起于20世纪90年代。美国加州大学欧文分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine)的麻醉学副教授迈克尔·阿尔基尔(MichaelAlkire)是最早参与此类研究的科学家之一。

    Michael Alkire , associate professor of anesthesiology at the University of California , Irvine , was one of the first people involved in the search for neural correlates of consciousness , back in the 1990s .

  6. 该研究报告的共同作者之一、加州大学欧文分校教授格洛丽亚&12539;马克(GloriaMark)说:受到干扰的时候,人的压力会显著增加。她说,产生压力的根源势必会不断转移你的注意力。

    According to study co-author Gloria Mark , a professor at Irvine , ' Stress went up significantly when being interrupted . ' The cause of the stress , she says : ' having to keep shifting your attention . '

  7. 由加州大学欧文分校(UCI)的冯孝仁(JonathanFeng)领队开展的重新分析,并不完全支持这种“暗光子”的提议,但确实支持新粒子代表在超短程作用的第五种力的构想。

    A reanalysis led by Jonathan Feng at the University of California , Irvine , does not quite support the " dark photon " suggestion but does back the idea that it represents a fifth force operating over super-short distances .

  8. 这篇报告刊登在3月12日《神经科学杂志》上,加州大学欧文分校的YuncaiChen,CelineDubé和CourtneyBurgdorff也参与了此次研究。此次研究由美国国立卫生研究院赞助支持。

    The study appears in the March 12 edition of the Journal of Neuroscience . Yuncai Chen , Celine Dub é and Courtney Burgdorff of UC Irvine also participated in the study , which was supported by the National Institutes of Health .

  9. 据该研究的指导作者——加州大学欧文分校的简?费米格利提(JayFamiglietti)所示,如今该地区的水资源耗竭速度仅次于印度北部地区,为世界第二。

    It is equivalent in volume to the Dead Sea and , according to the study 's senior author , Jay Famiglietti of the University of California , Irvine , implies that the region is suffering the world 's second-fastest rate of water depletion after northern India .

  10. 奥巴马总统将会在加州大学欧文分校六月份的毕业典礼上发表演说。

    President Obama will speak at UC Irvine 's commencement ceremony this June .

  11. 这是加州大学欧文分校生物科学院的网站。

    This is the website for School of Biological Sciences , University of California , Irvine .

  12. 加州大学欧文分校的研究人员找出了调节我们内部的生物钟遗传机制化学触发开关。

    University of California , Irvine researchers have identified the chemical switch that triggers the genetic mechanism regulating our internal body clock .

  13. 加州大学欧文分校最近宣布,有意为学生建立起一座电子竞技平台,提供电子竞技奖学金并雇佣教练。

    UC Irvine recently announced its intention to create a sports arena , offer eSports scholarships to students and hire a coach .

  14. 2010年在加州大学欧文分校的一项研究表明,学习会让你的大脑以较高的水平进行运转。

    A 2010 study out of the University of California at Irvine revealed that learning keeps your brain functioning at a high level .

  15. 使用美国加州大学欧文分校的数据集将基于初分类的过抽样算法与合成少数类过抽样算法、欠抽样方法进行了实验比较。

    Using the data sets provided by University of California , Irvine , the new algorithm was compared with synthetic minority over-sampling technique and under-sampling method .

  16. 1977年,利欧在加州大学欧文分校获得物理学博士学位,妈妈给他写了一封充满温情的长信。

    In1977 , when Leo received his Ph.D.in physics from the University of California at Irvine , my mother wrote him a long , warm letter .

  17. 罗贾斯还收到了来自斯坦福大学以及附近两所学校的邀请,分别是加州大学欧文分校和富勒顿的加州州立大学。

    Rojas also was accepted by Stanford University and two nearby schools , the University of California , Irvine , and California State University , Fullerton .

  18. 加州大学欧文分校研究人员发现,即使只是几小时的短期压力也会扰乱脑细胞间的正常运作,而这些运作正关系到学习和记忆。

    A study by the University of California , Irvine , shows that even short-term stress can temporarily impair brain-cell communication in areas associated with learning and memory .

  19. 学习记忆易受创,短期压力勿小觑加州大学欧文分校研究人员发现,即使只是几小时的短期压力也扰乱脑细胞间的正常运作,而这些运作正关系到学习和记忆。

    Short-term stress lasting as little as a few hours can impair brain-cell communication in areas associated with learning and memory , University of California , Irvine researchers have found .

  20. 肯尼。彭慕兰,加州大学欧文分校的一位历史教授,认为东西方之间“大分流”的故事很早就开始了。

    The story of what Kenneth Pomeranz , a history professor at the University of California , Irvine , has called " the Great Divergence " between East and West began much earlier .

  21. 2005年,美国加州大学欧文分校的刑事学家西蒙?科尔发布了一项研究报告,列出了美国司法制度建立以来已知的22个指纹鉴定导致的错误。

    In 2005 , Simon Cole , a criminologist at the University of California at Irvine , published a study detailing the 22 known cases of fingerprint mistakes in the history of the American legal system .

  22. 这项研究工作主要由美国加州大学欧文分校负责,费城和马里兰州的一些实验室也参与其中。科学家试图改进所谓的综合读心术,这样就能应用在战场了。

    Based largely out of University of California-Irvine , in conjunction with labs in Philadelphia and Maryland , scientists are trying to improve so-called ' synthetic telepathy ' so that it could be used in a battlefield .

  23. 但他希望为正在加州大学欧文分校读大三的儿子,以及在加州读寄宿中学的女儿取得绿卡。

    But he wanted to obtain green cards for his son , who is in his third year at the University of California , Irvine , and his teenage daughter , who is in boarding school in California .

  24. 第三个案例发生在2005年:波莫纳加州州立理工大学(CalPolyPomona)19岁的学生肯尼·梁(KennyLuong)在与加州大学欧文分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine)人中王兄弟会成员踢橄榄球后头部受重伤,最终死亡。

    In a third case , in 2005 , Kenny Luong , 19 , a student at Cal Poly Pomona in California , died from fatal head injuries after playing football against Lambda Phi Epsilon members from the University of California , Irvine .