
  • 网络Galicia;Galician;gallego;Galiza
  1. 流感疫苗可触发大疱性类天疱疮?西班牙加利西亚的一项生态学研究

    Bullous pemphigoid triggered by influenza vaccination ? Ecological study in Galicia , Spain

  2. 油轮沉船的地方靠近西班牙的加利西亚地区。

    The ship went down near the coast of Spain 's Galicia area .

  3. 采用四个加利西亚(Galician)葡萄品种酿造,以特雷萨杜拉(Treixadura)为主。

    Made from a blend of four Galician grape varieties - mainly Treixadura .

  4. 这样,中国的网民就可以访问英文报纸的网页,以及用他们那非凡的汉语来阅读其上的内容,甚至进一步阅读用Malagasy马达加斯加语写的博客,或用Galician加利西亚语写Twitte推特。

    Chinese web-surfer could then visit an English newspaper website and read all the content in excellent Mandarin , before moving on to read blog entries written in Malagasy or Twitter posts in Galician .

  5. 我是来自乌克兰一个小泥棚里的老加利西亚人。

    I 'm an old galicianer from a mud hut in the ukraine .

  6. 加利西亚地区,西北部的国家越来越多的欢迎。

    The region of Galicia , in the north west of the country is gaining in popularity .

  7. 加利西亚,是有名的西班牙,其鱼作为世界上最大的消费八达通在世界的前沿。

    Galicia is famous in Spain for its fish and as the largest consumer of octopus in the world .

  8. 加利西亚地区最高法院表示,列车司机目前正在医院被监视居住。

    The Supreme Court of the Galicia region said the train driver is being held in custody at hospital .

  9. 沿加利西亚海岸的鱼类和水产品的捕获已经被禁止,这使得许多渔民失去工作。

    Fishing and seafood harvesting has been banned along the coast of Galicia , forcing many fishermen out of work .

  10. 受袭击最严重的是西北部地区的加利西亚,多条道路被切断,学校被迫停课。

    Badly hit was the northwestern region of Galicia , where several roads were cut off and schools forced to cancel classes .

  11. 克罗地亚人主要是个讲斯拉夫语的民族,他们居住在今天的加利西亚省(在乌克兰和波兰)。

    The Croats are largely Slavic-speaking people who lived in an area of what is today Galicia ( in Ukraine and Poland ) .

  12. 加利西亚人波兰加利西亚的本地人或居民各种不同的椅子让这里有一种波西米亚的味道。

    A native or inhabitant of Polish Galicia . All this different kind of chairs give this place a kind of bohemian vibe .

  13. 最后弗兰锁定胜局的进球彻底摧毁了安切洛蒂的信心。拉科的强大压力充分展示了加利西亚人的精神和伟大的决心!

    Fran then put the home side further ahead as Carlo Ancelotti 's side suffered under the constant pressure , spirit and the great determination from the Galician outfit .

  14. 航空调度员罢工已经导致了马德里、马略卡岛、米诺卡岛、伊比沙岛加纳利群岛、加利西亚地区和所有西班牙航空机场的关闭。

    Closure of the airports of Madrid , Mallorca , Minorca and Ibiza , the Canary Islands and in the region of Galicia , as well as causing the closure all Spanish airspace .

  15. 出生在意大利的巴里,成长于西班牙加利西亚区的维戈,如今在巴塞罗那俱乐部蓬勃发展的蒂亚戈.阿尔坎塔拉,当然会有一个有趣的背景。

    Born in the Italian city of Bari , raised in Vigo in the Spanish region of Galicia and currently thriving at FC Barcelona , Thiago Alcantara certainly has as an interesting background .

  16. 好了,六箱加利西亚白葡萄酒,十二箱教皇干红,我下次去兰斯(法国东北部)给你寄一箱那种巧克力。

    Okay , so that 's six cases of Albario , 12 of the neuf-du-pape , and next time I 'm in Reims , I 'm sending you a box of those chocolates .

  17. 经过数十亿年时光,太阳终于“有主了”!来自西班牙加利西亚省某潮湿地区的一位女性于上周五宣称,她已向当地一位公证人注册,将太阳登记为个人财产。

    After billions of years the Sun finally has an owner -- a woman from Spain 's soggy region of Galicia said Friday she had registered the star at a local notary publicas being her property .

  18. 有很强烈的爱国情感在加泰罗尼亚——那里的人们都是很傲娇的在西班牙的周围有很多不同的地区地貌,有些地方是半沙漠,很干旱,另一些地方又群山起伏。你去过加利西亚省么?

    very patriotic to that city It is Catalonia - they are very proud people Around Spain there are so many different regions - some like semi-desert - very dry Other bits mountainous Did you go to Galicia ?

  19. 文章介绍了位于西班牙圣地亚哥·德·孔波斯特拉的音乐教学中心,建筑以现代的形式传承加利西亚传统,适应周围文化环境并且强调场所记忆。

    This article analyzes the general idea of the Musical Studies Center in Santiago de Compostela . The aim of the project is a modem form of deeply rooted Galicia tradition , with concern for its particular cultural surroundings and emphasis on the memory of the place .