
  • 网络Functional Food
  1. 富含SOD功能性食品的开发

    The Development of Rich SOD Functional Food

  2. 鸡蛋作为一种功能性食品替代鱼与补充DHA的摄取

    Eggs as a Functional Food Alternative to Fish and Supplements for the Consumption of DHA

  3. 国外较多国家已开发出含PE的功能性食品(特别是人造黄油),具有很好的市场前景。

    In many foreign countries , the functional foods containing PE ( especially margarine ) have been developed , its prospect of market is good .

  4. 从食品中制备高F值寡肽以提高食品的应用价值,进行功能性食品的开发研究提供了更加广阔的开发前景。

    Preparation high F ratio oligo-peptide from the food could improved the value of food , and would be a widely foreground in the research of the function food .

  5. 微藻DHA作为一种新型的功能性食品添加剂,将成为保健品和食品行业产品未来发展的趋势。

    As a new functional food additive , microalgal DHA will become a development tend of healthcare and food industries .

  6. β-LG和CLA的联合应用为肿瘤的临床治疗开拓了新的途径,为开发出预防恶性肿瘤的功能性食品类的保健药物提供了一种新的思路。

    The combination of P-LG and CLA opened up new way for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and provided a new idea for the development of functional food as a health drugs .

  7. 本研究可为ODPs构效关系和功能性食品及药品的研发提供参考,加快野生仙人掌产业化进程。

    This study can provide reference for the structure-activity relationships and the industrialization of ODPs .

  8. 为了开发富含n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3PUFA)这一功能性食品,需要我们更深入地认识n-3和n-6脂肪酸。

    In order to research and develop the food rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( n-3PUFA ), we should identify n-3 and n-6 fatty acids .

  9. 抗疲劳功能性食品复方添加剂安全毒理学初步试验

    Preliminary Study on Toxicities of An Antifatigue Functional Food Compound Additive

  10. 浅析几种功能性食品植物的应用及开发对策

    Discussion on Application and Develop Countermeasures for Several Functional Foods Plant

  11. 海洋生物资源在军用功能性食品开发中的应用

    Application of Marine Biological Resources in Development of Military Functional Foods

  12. 我国功能性食品添加剂和配料增长迅速

    Increasing rapidly of function food additive and ingredient in China

  13. 对酒精性肝损伤有保护作用的功能性食品的初步研究

    Primary Study on Protective Role of Function Food on Alcohol Liver Disease

  14. 低聚果糖&一种新型的功能性食品基料

    Fructooligosaccharides - A Sort of New fashioned Basic Material of Functional Foods

  15. 功能性食品添加剂&谷胱甘肽分离纯化工艺的研究

    Study on the Separation and Purification Process of the Functional Food Additive-Glutathione

  16. 螺旋藻含有丰富而全面的营养,具有很高的保健价值,是一种新型的功能性食品。

    Spirulina is rich in various nutrients which have important health value .

  17. 国内外功能性食品添加剂和配料发展动向

    Development Trend of Functional Food Ingredients Additives in the World

  18. 中日功能性食品管理体制的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Management System of Functional Food between China and Japan

  19. 功能性食品添加剂海藻糖及其研究进展

    Development of Functional Food Additives Trehalose and Its Study Progress

  20. 蜂胶抗癌功效成分及功能性食品开发

    Anti - tumor components of propolis and anti - tumor functional food

  21. 《功能性食品加工技术》课程改革的实践

    Practice in Reforming the Course in Functional Food Processing Technique

  22. 欧洲健康食品配料展观感-天然的功能性食品配料

    Impressions of Visiting HIE 2000 - Natural Functional Food Additives

  23. 新型功能性食品添加剂&金属硫蛋白

    New and functional foods additive - metal sulphur protein

  24. 功能性食品添加剂在液态奶中的应用和发展趋势

    Application & Trends of Functional Ingredients in Liquid Milk

  25. 植物甾醇酯是一类新型的降低血清胆固醇的功能性食品添加剂。

    Phytosterol esters are kinds of novel serum cholesterol lowering functional food additives .

  26. 益生菌食品是功能性食品中发展极快的一个领域。

    Probiotic foods represent a strong growth area within the functional foods group .

  27. 明串珠菌在乳制品和功能性食品中的应用

    Leuconostoc and its Applications in Dairy and Functional Foods

  28. 功能性食品添加剂N-乙酰-D-葡糖胺的理化性质

    Physiochemical Properties of N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine Used as Functional Food Additive

  29. 功能性食品地方市场调查及思考

    Local Market Investigation of Functional Food and its Reflections

  30. 芦荟功能性食品资源的开发利用

    Developing and Using of Aloe Vera in Functional Food