
  • 网络accessory mineral
  1. 笔者还从岩体中锆石的含铀性,ZrOz/HfO2值与岩石中Na2O的关系探讨了成矿中铀和钠的来源,并从副矿物锆石的标型方面提出了产铀岩体的评价标志。

    The rich uranium , rich HREE in zircon and the hydrothermal type accessory mineral assemblage of the rock body provide basis for the evaluation of uranium potential in the studied area .

  2. 副矿物组合为Mt-Ap-Zi型。

    Accessory mineral assemblages are Mt-Ap-Zi .

  3. 含U副矿物的原位微区U-Pb定年方法

    A Review of In-situ U-Pb Dating Methods for the Accessory U-Bearing Minerals

  4. 残余相副矿物,特别是锆石和磷灰石,对深熔浅色体的元素、Nd同位素组成的变化起了重要的作用。

    The accessory minerals , especially zircon and apatite , played an important role in the variation of elements and Nd isotopic compositions of the anatectic derivatives .

  5. U-Th-Pb副矿物的原地原位测年微束分析方法比较与微区晶体化学研究

    Site-Directed and In-situ Dating Microbeam Techniques and Crystal Chemistry Microanalysis for U-Th-Pb Bearing Accesory Minerals

  6. 递增变质作用形成的变质岩中含有丰富的独居石副矿物,而且Th-U-Pb含量比较高,适合电子探针独居石化学法定年。

    There are abundant accessory minerals-monazite with high content of Th-U-Pb in rocks formed by such progressive metamorphism .

  7. 本文采用傅立叶变换红外光谱(非偏振光)研究了中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔岩心及其周围地表榴辉岩中副矿物&金红石中的结构水。

    This study focus on the structural hydroxyl concentrations of rutile in eclogites from main-hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project ( CCSD ) and its areas nearby employing microscope Fourier infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ) with unpolarized light .

  8. 副矿物磁铁矿、榍石,含量分别为2.4%与1.1%。

    Their content are 2.4 % and 1.1 % respectively .

  9. 金红石是榴辉岩中的主要含钛副矿物。

    Rutile is a common Ti-bearing accessory mineral in eclogites .

  10. 岩体地质和矿床学研究资料表明,矿石矿物以副矿物的形式存在岩体中。

    Rock forming and ore forming are the two results of this overall process .

  11. 鲁东地区主要副矿物晶体化学特征的研究

    Study on the crystallographic and chemical properties of the main accessory minerals in the eastern Shandong region

  12. 副矿物和退变质流体是控制退变质过程中微量元素行为的主要因素。

    Accessory minerals and retrograde fluids are main factors controlling the trace elemental behavior during retrograde metamorphism .

  13. 华南花岗岩类中铁钛副矿物组合与氧逸度关系

    The relationship between the assemblages of Fe-Ti accessary mineral and oxygen fugacity in the granitoid of South China

  14. 苏北东海花岗质岩石中主要造岩矿物和副矿物的地球化学特征

    Geochemical Characteristics of the Major Rock-forming Minerals and Accessory Minerals from the Granitoids of Donghai Area , Northern Jiangsu

  15. 岩浆形成后还可能发生过斜长石、锆石、磷灰石、独居石、褐帘石等副矿物的结晶分离。

    Moreover , the fractionation of plagioclase and accessory minerals such as zircon , apatite , monazite and allanite occured .

  16. 各类型花岗岩副矿物组成具有明显特点,因此可以利用副矿物和其组合特征作为划分花岗岩成因类型的判别标志。

    The assemblages of accessory minerals of the granites show evident characteristics , which can be the classification criteria for the granites .

  17. 要加强对长英质片麻岩中原生结构、包体、副矿物(特别是锆石)和地球化学的研究。

    It is very important to strengthen the study of the primary texture , enclaves , accessory minerals ( especially zircon ) and geochemistry .

  18. 对这些副矿物和脉体矿物的研究,对超高压变质岩的矿物学、元素地球化学和变质流体演化具有重要意义,是认识板块俯冲和折返过程地球动力学的一个重要窗口。

    Therefore , study on these accessory minerals and vein minerals will have significant implication to mineralogy , elemental geochemistry , and the evolution of metamorphic fluid .

  19. 华北某些太古代花岗岩类副矿物的初步研究华北东部早白垩世A型花岗岩与克拉通破坏

    STUDIES ON ACCESSORY MINERALS IN ARCHEAN GRANITOID ROCKS FROM NORTH CHINA Early Cretaceous A-Type Granites in the Eastern North China Block with Relation to Destruction of the Craton

  20. 在山东蒙阴金伯利宕的副矿物蒙山矿中,首次发现了成分为柱红石类的新矿物相。

    A new mineral facies has been found for the first time in mathiasite , a minor mineral in the Mengying kimberlite in Shandong Province , resembling priderite in composition .

  21. 副矿物的形成和分解以及退变质流体中是否富集络阴离子等决定了微量元素的溶解和迁移特性及其含量变化。

    Formations and / or decompositions of minor / accessory minerals and chemical compositions ( e.g. , contents of anionic complex ) of the fluids affect significantly the behavior of trace elements during retrograde metamorphism .

  22. 电气石是一种含挥发分的硅酸盐矿物,作为副矿物的电气石与其他矿物共生,且含量较少,但在电气石岩中可达60%以上,以前很少被人们重视。

    Tourmaline is a silicate mineral containing volatile component occuring together with other minerals as accessory mineral in minor content , but its content is over 60 % in the tourmaline rock and is rarely studied before .

  23. 采用诱发裂变径迹法研究,发现华南产铀花岗岩副矿物中的铀沿微裂隙活化转移和交代蚀变矿物的自洁作用迫使载体矿物中的铀活化再分配的地球化学现象。

    Using induced fission-track method , mobilization and redistribution of uranium in carrier minerals were discovered to be driven by mobilization and migration of uranium in accessory minerals of U-producing granites along microfissures and the self-purification of hydrothermal alteration .

  24. 根据主要造岩矿物及副矿物组合、岩石化学和地球化学特征判别结果,岩体成因类型以I型为主,少数为A型和S型。

    According to its main rock forming mineral , accessory mineral formation , petrochemistry and geochemistry character , it shows that I type is the main genetic type for intrusive , only a few is A Type or S type .

  25. 磁铁角闪岩主要由角闪石(40%~45%)、磁铁矿(35%~45%)、斜长石(10%~15%)和次要的单斜辉石及副矿物锆石、磷灰石组成。

    The magnetite-amphibolite consists of amphibole ( 40 % ~ 45 % ), magnetite ( 35 % ~ 45 % ), plagioclase ( 10 % ~ 15 % ), and minor clinopyroxene and accessory minerals such as zircon and apatite .

  26. 采用该方法测定了江西某地花岗岩中的主要矿物钾长石、斜长石、石英、黑云母以及副矿物锆石、磷灰石等的稀土和微量元素。

    Both rare earth elements and trace elements in the rock-forming minerals of the granite from Jiangxi Province , including potash feldspar , plagioclase , quartz , biotite , accessory minerals , zircon and apatite , were analyzed and studied by INAA .

  27. 污水中溶解性有机物组分特性及其氯消毒副产物生成潜能矿物对溶解性有机质及其不同组分的吸附作用

    Characteristics and Chlorinated Disinfection By-products Formation Potential of Dissolved Organic Matter Fractions in Treated Wastewater