
jiǎn tiē bǎn
  • clipboard
  1. 用TextTransfer对象将字符串传送到剪贴板

    Transfer the string to the clipboard with a Text Transfer object

  2. 现在,许多全异的商业在线服务模拟了Web剪贴板。

    Now , a number of disparate , commercial online services emulate a Web clipboard .

  3. 缺少的特性:Web剪贴板

    The missing feature : Web clipboards

  4. 单击此处可将网格xml复制到剪贴板。

    Click to copy the grid XML to the clipboard .

  5. 现在已经部署了一个使用开放标准和技术的Web剪贴板,它具备良好的实用特性。

    A Web clipboard using open standards and technologies that are currently deployed has good adoption characteristics .

  6. 在清除office剪贴板时,会同时清除系统剪贴板。

    When you clear the office clipboard , the system clipboard is also cleared .

  7. 将代码复制到windows剪贴板。

    To copy the code to the windows clipboard .

  8. 显示windows剪贴板的内容。

    Displays the contents of the windows clipboard .

  9. 选择Address字段的所有文本,并将其复制到剪贴板。

    Select all the text in the Address field and copy it to the clipboard .

  10. 复制到windows剪贴板上的元素。

    Elements copied to the windows clipboard .

  11. Web操作系统工具集中似乎缺少了一个特性,即基于Web的剪贴板的概念。

    One feature that seems missing from the Web operating system collective tool set is the notion of a Web-based clipboard .

  12. 在将项目添加到office剪贴板时,“剪贴板”任务窗格中会显示一个条目。

    As items are added to the office clipboard , an entry is displayed in the clipboard task pane .

  13. 框架的左侧被定义为Object,是现代操作系统内的剪贴板的对等物。

    The left side of the frame is defined as Objects and is the equivalent of the clipboard in modern operating systems .

  14. 选择DefaultactionURL框中的文本并把它复制到剪贴板。

    Select the text in the Default action URL box and copy it to the clipboard .

  15. 将要显示在工具栏按钮或菜单命令上的图像复制到Office剪贴板上。

    Copy to the Office Clipboard the image that you want to appear on the toolbar button or menu command .

  16. 在展示如何构建Web剪贴板应用程序之前,我建议您下载源文件(参见下载)。

    Before I show how to build the Web clipboard application , I recommend that you download the source files ( see Download ) .

  17. 基于OLE技术及Windows系统剪贴板的通用题库管理系统

    General Test Bank Management System Based On OLE Technology And Windows System Clipboard

  18. 用Delphi实现屏幕截图送剪贴板

    Using Delphi to Send Screen Sectional Drawing to a Clipboard

  19. 由于所有windows应用程序都共享系统剪贴板,因此,切换到其他应用程序时,剪贴板上的内容可能发生更改。

    Because all windows applications share the system clipboard , the contents may change when you switch to another application .

  20. 基于VC的剪贴板应用程序

    The Clipping and Paste in a Scrapbook or on Cards Board Application Procedure Based on VC

  21. 这里特别好的就是可以将结果以HTML的格式复制到剪贴板上。

    Particularly nice is the ability to copy the results to the clipboard in HTML form .

  22. 在将多个项目复制到office剪贴板时,始终将您复制的最后一个项目复制到系统剪贴板中。

    When you copy multiple items to the office clipboard , the last item that you copy is always copied to the system clipboard .

  23. 此处,您看到了一个多用户场景。在该场景中,许多浏览器都在执行剪切操作,这允许用户混合Web剪贴板并在它们之间复制和粘贴。

    Here you see a multi-user scenario in which many browsers are clipping , potentially allowing users to remix Web clipboards and cut and paste from each other .

  24. JavaWebStart允许客户端Java应用程序访问各种本地机资源,如文件访问、剪贴板访问等。

    Java Web Start allows client-side Java applications access to a variety of local-machine resources , such as file access , clipboard access , and so forth .

  25. 如果您在一个office程序中打开了“剪贴板”任务窗格,则在您切换到另一个office程序时,不会自动显示“剪贴板”任务窗格。

    If you open the clipboard task pane in one office program , the clipboard task pane does not automatically appear when you switch to another office program .

  26. 一个对话框方框将会确认这个收获操作,创建的这个UML元素将会放置在剪贴板上。

    A dialog box will confirm the harvest action , and the UML element created will be placed on the clipboard .

  27. 在数据数据传输的实现方面,通过论述Windows产品中广泛使用的主要数据传输的应用&剪贴板,阐明了统一数据传输的基本原理。

    In the domain of uniform data transfer , the clipboard , which is adopted in Windows common software , is introduce as a mainly method .

  28. 若要将指向选定项目的超链接复制到“office剪贴板”上,请单击该项目后面的命令按钮,再选择“将链接复制到剪贴板”。

    To copy a hyperlink to the selected item onto the office clipboard , click the command button following the item , and then choose Copy link to clipboard .

  29. 我们将看到如何使用Program类启动程序,及如何使用Clipboard类访问系统剪贴板。

    We 'll see the use of the Program class to launch programs and the Clipboard class to access the system clipboard .

  30. 实际上,Facebook有望成为我们的数字生活剪贴板,而有朝一日,它能最终成为我们的生活博物馆。

    Expect Facebook , in effect , to become our living digital scrapbook and even , eventually , perhaps our fossil .