
shènɡ yú shí jiān
  • remainder;time remaining
  1. 我们敦促该政权立即采取步骤,在选举前的剩余时间里,开放选举程序。

    We urge the regime to take immediate steps to open the process in the time remaining before the elections .

  2. 当冬季即将来临,剩余时间就不能满足发育需求时,发育延迟了,发育延迟应当也终止了雌性功能上的投资。

    This delay should stop investment in the female sexual function , when the time remaining to winter no longer suffices for its development anymore .

  3. 利用PLC实现交通信号灯常规指挥,违章摄像,剩余时间显示等功能。

    The PLC is used to implement the convention direction of traffic signal light , break regulations image , remain rest time and soon .

  4. (有些型号的Kindle电子书也会显示剩余时间。)

    ( Some Kindle models also show remaining time . )

  5. 第一石油(PremierOil)、塔洛石油(TullowOil)等英国石油公司在今年剩余时间里必须更加努力,才能让它们的债主安心。

    UK groups like Premier Oil and Tullow Oil will have to work ever harder to keep their lenders happy as the year goes on .

  6. 利用率是指应用程序所能够运行的特定时间窗中的时间百分比,剩余时间则用于GC。

    Utilization is the percentage of time in a particular time window that the application is permitted to run , with the remainder being devoted to GC .

  7. 所以我们认为,即使非FDI(外商直接投资)资本流入因为管制加强而在年内剩余时间减慢,人民币也将继续面临升值压力。

    Therefore , we think the RMB will continue to face appreciation pressures , even as non-FDI capital inflows slow in the remainder of the year on tighter controls .

  8. 剩余时间的使用由GC决定:可以分配给应用程序也可以由GC使用。

    Use of the remaining time is at the GC 's discretion : it can be allotted to the application or it can be used by the GC .

  9. 这有利于金价,因为这意味着美联储(Fed)可能会继续维持刺激举措,而这些举措在今年剩余时间是金价的一个关键推动因素。

    This is positive for gold because it means the US Federal Reserve could continue with its stimulus measures , a key driver for gold prices , for the rest of the year .

  10. 渣打预计今年剩余时间人民币升值幅度不会超过0.25%,而德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)认为人民币兑美元将会贬值。

    Standard Chartered does not expect the renminbi to appreciate more than 0.25 per cent over the rest of the year , while Deutsche Bank believes it will fall against the greenback .

  11. 国内生产总值在第二季度以4.2%的年化率扩张,WellsFargoSecurity公司的高级经济学家马克·福达尔表示,今年剩余时间的增长率将保持这一态势。

    Expanding at a 4.2 % annual rate during three-month ending in June , Mark Feudal , senior economist Wells Fargo Security insists both well off the rest of the year .

  12. Republic还提供了另一种很酷的功能:你每个月可以在手机上两次改变套餐,而新资费会按比例适用于当月剩余时间。

    And Republic offers another cool feature : Twice a month , you can change plans right on the phone and the new fees will be pro-rated for the remaining days in the month .

  13. 通过将光标移动到图标上方,可以看到初始票据授予票据(TGT)过期的剩余时间。

    By positioning the cursor over the icon , you can view the time left until the initial ticket-granting ticket ( TGT ) expires .

  14. 宝马公司(BMWAG)周二公布,由于豪华轿车需求低迷,第二季度的利润下滑了76%。对于今年剩余时间的前景,这家汽车制造商也没有给出明确的预期。

    BMW AG on Tuesday posted a76 % slump in second-quarter profit as demand for luxury cars sagged , and the auto maker shied away from giving a concrete outlook for the remainder of the year .

  15. 如果某个任务没有使用其所有的时间切片,那么剩余时间切片的一半将被添加到新时间切片使其在下个epoch中可以执行更长时间。

    If a task did not use all of its time slice , then half of the remaining time slice was added to the new time slice to allow it to execute longer in the next epoch .

  16. 某些私营部门经济学家认为,今年剩余时间瑞典经济将几乎不会增长,这意味着现在是出台刺激计划的完美时机,预计刺激力度将相当于国内生产总值(gdp)的0.5%至1%。

    Some private sector economists think there will be little to no growth for the rest of the year , making it perfect timing for a stimulus programme expected to be worth about 0.5 per cent to 1 per cent of gross domestic product .

  17. 此ATR既可以探测、识别、跟踪目标,还能够在弹道终端识别目标的易损(要害)部位,提取飞行剩余时间,自适应控制炸点。

    The ATR not only can detect , recognize and track targets , but also can recognize the vulnerable position ( vital part ), extract remaining flight time and adaptively control explosion point .

  18. 再加上美联储购入美国长期国债的“扭转操作”(operationtwist),这意味着美联储在今年剩余时间每月将购入总共850亿美元资产,与2010年qe2计划相仿。

    Combined with its purchases of long-dated Treasuries under " operation twist " , this will see the Fed buying a total of $ 85bn of assets a month for the rest of the year , similar to its QE2 programme in 2010 .

  19. 全球第二大运动用品公司阿迪达斯(Adidas)周二表示,对今年剩余时间内的业绩充满信心。此前,新兴市场销售额的强劲增长提振了该公司今年上半年利润。

    Adidas , the world 's second-largest sporting goods company , yesterday boasted of its confidence for the rest of the year after strong sales growth in emerging markets lifted its profits in the first half .

  20. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)香港分部的分析师在周一发布报告称,苹果预计于下周推出iPhone6,这可能会使中国在今年剩余时间里,月出口增长率提升大约1%。

    In a report on Monday , analysts at Bank of America 's Merrill Lynch unit in Hong Kong estimated that the expected release next week of the iPhone 6 could add around 1 percent a month to China 's export growth rate for the rest of this year .

  21. 本周,经纪公司halifax宣布,在年内剩余时间里,任何客户通过其sharebuilder系统购买股票,都将免收交易费。

    This week , Halifax announced that anyone buying shares through its sharebuilder scheme would be charged no dealing fees for the rest of the year .

  22. 国际能源机构(IEA)预计,今年下半年中国原油需求将趋于缓和,在今年剩余时间里,月度需求同比增长将放缓,至40万桶/日。

    Oil demand is expected to moderate over the second half of this year , with monthly year on year growth slowing to 400,000 barrels per day for the remainder of the year , according to the International Energy Agency .

  23. WMO发布的初步数据显示,从澳大利亚到阿根廷,很多国家在过去一年遭受了热浪袭击,如果气温在今年剩余时间继续保持高位,2014年将很可能成为有记录以来最热的一年。

    After a year of heatwaves from Australia to Argentina , provisional data from the UN 's World Meteorological Organisation show that if temperatures stay high for the rest of the year , 2014 will probably be the warmest year on record .

  24. 针对纵轴方向没有轨控发动机的KKV,建立空间拦截的线性运动学模型,通过采用新的剩余时间计算方法,提出了拦截任意机动目标的最优导引规律。

    For KKV without an orbit control engine along its longitudinal axis , an OGL is developed based on the linear kinematical model of space interception , by adopting a new time to go algorithm .

  25. 这种情形或许在今年剩余时间里也不会改变。

    It will probably continue for the rest of the year .

  26. 其显式表达式是剩余时间的函数。

    The law is a function of the time to go .

  27. 这个周的剩余时间我要休息。

    I 'll de off for the rest of the week .

  28. 我剩余时间不多了,我必须走了。

    I have little time . I must go now .

  29. 就本十年剩余时间而言,只能这样了。

    For the rest of the decade this is it .

  30. 我们怎样消磨剩余时间?

    How 'll we kill the rest of the time ?