
shèng xia
  • remain;be left;to go;leave over
剩下 [shèng xià]
  • (1) [leave over]∶在消耗和使用后作为剩余留下

  • 只剩下一吨煤

  • (2) [remain]∶留下一部分未被破坏、未被取走或未被用光

  • 甘蔗榨出汁后剩下渣子

剩下[shèng xia]
  1. 老师说:“如果牧羊人把20只羊放到牧场上去吃草,有5只羊跳出了围栏,还会剩下多少只?”

    The teacher said : " If the shepherd1 put twenty sheep out to feed on the grass in a field , five of them jumped a fence , how many sheep would be left ? "

  2. 在将主营业务出售给Verizon公司后,雅虎(Yahoo)剩下的投资公司将更名为“Altaba”。好消息是:雅虎在设计Altaba的公司名时显然没花一分钱。

    The good news : Yahoo clearly has not spent a cent devising " Altaba , " the new name for the investment company that will be left after the operating business is sold to Verizon .

  3. 老磨坊现在只剩下一点残垣断壁了。

    The old mill is now little more than a ruin .

  4. 他居然用几样剩下的东西做出了可口的一餐。

    He conjured a delicious meal out of a few leftovers .

  5. 她利用几样剩下的东西烹制出一顿美味饭菜。

    She produced a delicious meal out of a few leftovers .

  6. 剩下的旅程他们没再受到阻碍。

    They were able to complete their journey without further hindrance .

  7. 晚餐剩下的冷饭菜已经凝结在盘子上了。

    The cold remains of supper had congealed on the plate .

  8. 最初的队员只剩下几名了。

    There are only a few survivors from the original team .

  9. 明摆着的事实是剩下的钱已经不够了。

    The stark truth is that there is not enough money left .

  10. 他把那个苹果吃了个干净,连梗都没剩下。

    He ate the apple , stalk and all .

  11. 我们只剩下三发子弹了。

    We only have three rounds of ammunition left .

  12. 厂房只剩下混凝土骨架了。

    Only the concrete skeleton of the factory remained .

  13. 他用力扯去了地毯,只剩下裸露的地板。

    He had ripped up the carpet , leaving only the bare boards .

  14. 把剩下的奶油掺到调味酱里。

    Mix the remaining cream in with the sauce .

  15. 剩下的票你还有多少张?

    How many tickets do you have left ?

  16. 他失去了两次机会,所以只剩下一次了。

    He 's lost two lives , so he 's only got one left .

  17. 要是有剩下的饭菜,就放到冰箱里。

    If there 's any food left over , put it in the fridge .

  18. 这是我们最后剩下的几个苹果。

    These are the last of our apples .

  19. 饭菜剩下了不少。

    There was lots of food left over .

  20. 只剩下十分钟了。

    There were only ten minutes remaining .

  21. 股票市场骤然收缩,让他们剩下了许多无人要的股票。

    The sudden contraction of the markets left them with a lot of unwanted stock .

  22. 这片树林只是剩下的一部分,原来这一带是一大片森林。

    The woods are remnants of a huge forest which once covered the whole area .

  23. 仅仅剩下两天了!

    Only two more days to go !

  24. 在抽签系列比赛的上半区就只剩下两名种子选手了。

    There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw .

  25. 她把衣服脱得只剩下了内衣。

    She stripped down to her underwear .

  26. 他无可奈何地只得在这个足球赛季剩下的时间里做替补队员。

    He was condemned to spend the rest of the football season on the bench .

  27. 只剩下四天了。

    There 's only four days left .

  28. 只剩下五块曲奇了。

    There are only five cookies left .

  29. 他们只剩下一个房间,你只好与彼得合住了。

    They only have one room left : you 'll have to double up with Peter .

  30. 还有剩下的奶酪蛋糕吗?

    Is there any cheesecake left ?