
  1. 一般的剐蹭和更换配件对于车辆折旧的影响不是很大。

    Rub cut general and replacement parts for vehicle depreciation is not a big impact .

  2. 轮子大小分26英寸和28英寸两种。车架表面有两层喷漆,防淤泥、盐蚀和剐蹭。

    The bike , which comes with either 26 - or 28-inch wheels , also has two layers of lacquer that will protect the frame from mud , salt and scratches .

  3. 随后,他们都出去观看爆炸,德索上校说,你们会看到那棵树倒的角度刚好不会剐蹭到小树,

    Then they all went out to see the explosion and Col. DS DSO said you will see that tree fall flat at just the angle where it will hurt no young trees

  4. 他注意到,已经有11宗事故(算上最近的两次剐蹭,共有13宗)都涉及谷歌的所谓“自动汽车”。

    He noted that Google 's " autonomous cars , " as they 're called , have been involved in 11 accidents ( two recent fender-benders brings it up to 13 ) .

  5. 但该研究也指出:“不过总的说来,左撇子考驾照更容易一次通过。他们发生车辆轻微碰撞或剐蹭的次数也往往比惯用右手者少。”

    But it added : " Overall , though , left-handers are more likely to pass their test first time round . They also tend to have fewer minor bumps and scratches in the car than right-handers . "

  6. 但谷歌暗示,即使人类驾驶员当时接管了汽车的控制权,这起事故依然会发生。该公司还表示,已从这起剐蹭事故中吸取了教训,并据此调整了其算法。

    However , the company suggested that the accident would have occurred even if a human had been at the wheel , while adding that it had already adjusted its algorithms to take account of the lessons from the scrape .