
qián mian
  • in front;at the head;ahead;above;preceding;fore
前面 [qián miàn]
  • (1) [in front;ahead]∶位置靠前。接近正面的空间;空间或位置靠前的部分

  • 前面就是宿营地

  • (2) [above;preceding]∶次序靠前的部分;文章或讲话中先于现在所叙述的部分

  • 前面提到的原则

前面[qián mian]
  1. 房子前面有一个公共汽车站。

    There 's a bus stop in front of the house .

  2. 他们隐约认出了前面的模糊人影。

    They made out a shadowy form in front of them .

  3. 房子的前面有一座花园。

    There 's a garden at the front of the house .

  4. 人们推推搡搡,向最前面挤。

    People were pushing and shoving to get to the front .

  5. 人群开始聚集在大使馆的前面。

    A crowd began to collect in front of the embassy .

  6. 照前面的练习一样,重复这五个步骤。

    Repeat these five steps , as in the last exercise .

  7. 在前面的书页写上你的名字。

    Write your name in the front of the book .

  8. 在那儿,就在你前面!

    It 's there , right in front of you !

  9. 我们就住在路的前面,刚过邮局的地方。

    We live just up the road , past the post office .

  10. 我刹车太晚,撞上了前面的车。

    I braked too late and bashed into the car in front .

  11. 她连续几个小时坐在那里怔怔地望着前面。

    She sat for hours together just staring into space .

  12. 我刹车太晚,撞上了前面的车。

    I braked too late , bashing into the car in front .

  13. 向导在前面带路,我们跟在他的后面走。

    The guide led the way and we trotted along behind him .

  14. 主舱在桅杆的前面。

    The main cabin is situated forward of the mast .

  15. 把这绳子系在小轿车的前面。

    Attach this rope to the front of the car .

  16. 他们前面的山谷从路旁急剧倾斜而下。

    In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road .

  17. 他一连几个小时坐在那里茫然地看着前面。

    He sat for hours just gazing into space .

  18. 我们的座位在前面第五排。

    Our seats are five rows from the front .

  19. 一个黑糊糊的影子隐隐出现在我们的前面。

    A dark shape loomed up ahead of us .

  20. 小孩在汽车前面跑过,我们看得心惊胆战。

    We watched appalled as the child ran in front of the car .

  21. 他们前面是一个巨大的深渊。

    Ahead of them was a gaping abyss .

  22. 她不得不猛踩刹车,以免撞上前面的车。

    She had to brake hard to avoid running into the car in front .

  23. 前面的道路布满艰难险阻。

    The way ahead is strewn with difficulties .

  24. 孩子们在学校前面的空地上玩耍。

    The children were playing in the yard at the front of the school .

  25. 这个疯子开着一辆白色货车直接冲到了我前面!

    This lunatic in a white van pulled out right in front of me !

  26. 老师把我的座位改在教室的前面。

    The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom .

  27. 前面不远左手边就是现代艺术博物馆。

    A little way up on the left is the Museum of Modern Art .

  28. 前面一拐弯就是我们家。

    Our house is round the next bend .

  29. 她迅速用力冲到最前面。

    She powered her way into the lead .

  30. 我一定要坐前面的位子!

    Bags I sit in the front seat !