
qián bīn
  • foreshore;beach face;lower beach
前滨[qián bīn]
  1. 中部块状砂岩和上部含砾砂岩形成于河口湾和前滨、临滨沉积环境。

    The middle massive sandstone and upper pebbly sandstone formed in an estuary , foreshore and nearshore environments .

  2. 个别海滩由于游客密度大、前滨坡度较陡或底质偏粗属于较差或一般海滩。

    A few beaches are common or low quality beaches due to heavy density of tourists , steep slope of the profile of foreshore and coarse substances .

  3. 层序SQ1的油气储集体主要分布于海岸带附近,它们是前滨&临滨沉积砂体。

    The oil_target reservoirs of the sandstone body were mainly distributed on the coastal zone and belonged to the shore face sediments .

  4. 青衣市地段第46号余段的未来用途及在前滨进行填海工程的可行性研究

    Study on the Future Use of Tsing Yi Town Lot 46 R.P. and Possible Foreshore Reclamation

  5. 悉尼港前滨管理局的咖啡节组织者之一伊莲•凯莉对这一结果很满意。

    Elaine Kelly , from event organisers the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority , was delighted with the result .

  6. 剖面地形具有典型的夷直海岸特点,前滨滩面宽阔平坦,后滨沙丘带发育,岸线平直。

    Its foreshore is broad and smooth , its backshore consists of dunes and its coastline is rather straight .

  7. 障壁岛海滩体系在研究区发育近滨、前滨微相而后滨砂丘不发育;

    In the studied area , nearshore and offshore microfacies are developed while backshore rigs are not grown in the beach - barrier coast system .

  8. 浑水陆源碎屑前滨桐与近滨相旋迥沉积,是在不断水进背景下的由西至东的超覆;

    The cyclical deposition of front shore and near shore facies from turbid water terrigenous debris overlaps from the west to the east in the background of continuous water inflow ;

  9. 同时,海滩前滨由于冲流作用是海滩最活跃的区域,冲流带海滩高频振动分析显示出滩面存在多个频段的周期振动。

    On the other hand , foreshores are the most drastic area of beach . The analysis of high-frequency beach oscillation in the swash zone indicated that beach face oscillation had several different frequency periods .

  10. 在岩石学研究的基础上,本文讨论了发育在赫章奥陶纪湄潭期岩石地层中的一个进积型海岸沉积序列,从下至上它由浅海陆棚相、过渡相、临滨相及前滨相组成。

    Based on the studying of sedimentary lithology , this paper deals with a coastal sedimentary sequence of progressive sand-depositing type developed in the rock layers in the Meitan period of Ordovician in Hezhang , Guizhou .

  11. 空间模式在时域上具有一定的振荡周期。其中,前滨模式以4天的准周期变化为主,滩肩模式则有28天的准周期性变化。

    These modes have obviously oscillations in temporal domain , in which the foreshore mode has mainly quasi period about 4 days , while the quasi period for the beach berm mode is 2 8 days .

  12. 术前长春瑞滨和顺铂化疗在Ⅲ期非小细胞肺癌治疗中的应用

    Application of combined chemotherapy with vinorelbine and cisplatin in treatment of stage ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer before operation

  13. 其中须四上亚段主要发育辫状河三角洲相、中亚段发育前三角洲-滨浅湖相、下亚段发育辫状河三角洲相。

    Concretely , the upper subsegment of the fourth section develops the braided delta , the middle subsegment develops the former delta-shallow lake and the lower subsegment develops the braided delta .