
qián yuān
  • foredeep
前渊[qián yuān]
  1. 南华北中生代火山岩与前渊盆地

    Volcanic rocks and foredeep basin in mesozoic , the southern North China

  2. 前渊凹陷带储层类型为溶孔-裂缝型,以次生溶蚀孔隙为主,原生孔隙基本消失;

    Foredeep belt was characterized by secondary pore-fracture reservoir type and dissolved pore .

  3. 贺兰坳拉槽与前渊盆地及其演化

    Helan aulacogen and front basin and their evolution

  4. 盆地中储集岩可分为三大类:第一为前渊地带和隆后盆地中的浊积岩;

    The reservoir rocks in the basin could be divided into three types : 1.turbidite in the foredeep belt and the back bulge basin ;

  5. 伴随挤压变形,在造山带及其前渊产生由厚皮到薄皮的复杂变形构造。

    Complex structural deformation , from thick skinned to thin skinned structures , has occurred in the orogenic belt and its frontal region along with compressional deformation ;

  6. 在成藏研究中,前陆盆地可以划分为前陆褶皱冲断带、前渊坳陷带、斜坡带和前缘隆起带等4个结构单元。

    A foreland basin system may be divided into four structural elements such as piedmont fold-thrust belt , foredeep depression belt , slope belt and frontal uplift belt .

  7. 本区自南而北划分为四个构造带,即前陆冲断带、前渊沉降带、前隆断褶带、隆后斜坡带;

    Divided the region into four structural belts from south to north ; foreland thrust belt , foredeep depressed belt , fore-bulge fault-folding belt and back-bulge slope belt ;

  8. 此外,南带的前陆盆地巨厚前渊碎屑岩将是寻找深盆气及二氧化碳气藏的有利目标。

    In addition , a huge thickness of foredeep clastic rock in southern foreland basin is a favorable place of exploration of deep-basin gas and carbon dioxide gas pools .

  9. 前渊盆地快速沉降过程中发育欠补偿生油凹陷,在前陆隆起阻挡作用下隆后盆地形成半局限环境生油凹陷。

    A uncompensated oil generation sag formed when foredeep basin rapidly subsided , and back bulge basin developed into a semi restricted oil generation sag under the blockage of foreland uplift .

  10. 合肥盆地是一个以中生界为主体的沉积盆地,受燕山运动Ⅰ幕不同期次挤压逆冲造山的影响,依次形成一系列平行分布的逆冲推覆构造带和前渊盆地。

    A series of parallel thrusting structural belts and foredeep basins were formed in the Hefei Basin of Mesozoic , affected by different stages compression and thrusting orogenesis of Yanshanian Mvt .

  11. 无论是前陆盆地的发育程度还是前陆变形特征及前渊带沉积作用,盆地的南、北两段都存在明显的差异。

    The development of foreland basin , deformation characteristics of the foreland and the sedimentation of foredeep in the south and north parts of this foreland basin are all different distinctly .

  12. 前陆盆地早期,在前渊盆地内沉积了一套碎屑岩烃源岩,它与早期的储集层构成了新生古储组合,同时也对下伏地层起到了封闭作用。

    A sequence of clastic rocks as the source rocks was laid down in the foredeep basin during the early stage of the foreland basin , and constituted a new source rock old reservoir rock association together with the early reservoir rocks .

  13. 构造格局由地幔柱活动伸展热窿作用(140~85Ma)所主导,空间上各单元组成热窿核剥离断裂带下滑系统配置样式,盆地形成于下滑系统,盆地类型为前渊盆地。

    The tectonic framework is controlled by mantle plume action ( 140 ~ 85 Ma ) . The space style of tectonic unites is composed of thermal dome-detachment fault-sliding system . The basin is formed in sliding system and the basin type is foredeep .

  14. 类比国内其他中西部前陆盆地成藏特点,前冲断带、前渊坳陷、前缘斜坡和前缘隆起等构造单元具有不同的油气富集的特点。

    The analogy with other mid-west foreland basins , thrust belts , depression belts , slope belts and lifting belts reveal different characteristics of reservoir .