
qián yán lǐng yù
  • Frontier Domains
  1. 在3D打印领域,有一个新的前沿领域开始成为人们关注的焦点:食品。

    There 's a new frontier in 3D printing that 's beginning to come into focus : food .

  2. 重大创新成果竞相涌现,一些前沿领域开始进入并跑、领跑阶段。

    China has seen major innovations emerge in large numbers and the country is now leading or co-leading the world in some frontier areas .

  3. 有机化合物的单电子转移反应(SET)是一个新兴的前沿领域。

    Single Electron Transfer ( SET ) reaction is a rising front field .

  4. 在Web使用挖掘技术的某些前沿领域中所作的探索性尝试和努力是该论文的重点所在。

    Thirdly , the emphases of the thesis consist in some exploratory attempt in some domain of web usage mining .

  5. 地理空间数据不确定性理论和方法的研究是当前GIS学科研究的热点和前沿领域之一。

    Theories and methods of geospatial special data uncertainty nowadays is one of the most important researching fields in GIS .

  6. 随着GIS的整体发展,移动GIS作为其中的一个前沿领域,也日益深入群众。

    Along with the development of GIS , mobile GIS as one of the forward fields , has penetrated into our society increasingly .

  7. DNA与识别分子,尤其是与药物分子相互作用的电化学和光谱研究是生物电化学研究中的前沿领域之一。

    The research about the mechanism of DNA with distinguishing molecules , especially DNA with medical molecules by electrochemical and spectral techniques is the leading field of bio-electrochemistry .

  8. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSNs)是近年来学术界研究的热点领域,涵盖了传感、通信、电子等前沿领域。

    Wireless sensor networks ( WSNs ) which covers sensing , communications , electronics and other fronts is a hot area of academic research in recent years .

  9. 医疗诊断系统是一个复杂的应用系统,多Agent技术引入到医疗诊断是当前分布式人工智能应用研究的一个前沿领域。

    The medical diagnosis system is a complicated application system . Introduction of Agent and Multi-Agent System theory into the medical diagnosis system is one of the foreland of Distributed Artificial Intelligent .

  10. 网格技术已经成为当前国际计算机技术研究的热点和前沿领域,它代表了继Internet技术和Web技术之后的第三次技术浪潮。

    The grid technology has already became the hot spot of current international computer technology research fields and the front domain . It represented third technical tide which followed the Internet technology and the Web technology .

  11. Si基材料光发射的研究是当前半导体光电子学与光子学中迅速发展起来的一个前沿领域,Si基量子点的光发射是近年来极引人注目的新研究方向。

    The study of Si-based materials light emitting is a new leading field in semiconductor optoelectronics and photonics . The light emitting if Si-based quantum-dot is attractive research direction .

  12. 白细胞分化抗原(CD)是人血细胞上一组抗原决定簇,是当代生命科学研究的前沿领域之一。

    Leukocyte differentiation antigens are a group of antigenic determinants on the membrane of human blood cells , that is one of the most important fields in the life sciences .

  13. 为直接客户和众多OEM厂商设计和生产HPLC等产品,涵盖了药物开发、蛋白质组等生物医药前沿领域。

    We design and manufacture a wide selection of products for end-users and OEMs in the fields of HPLC , Drug Discovery , Proteomics and beyond .

  14. 无线传感网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,WSN)是目前国际前沿领域的研究热点,综合了传感器、嵌入式以及无线通讯等技术,具有广泛的应用前景。

    Wireless sensor networks ( WSN ) is a hot spot in the field of frontier , which involves sensors , embedded and wireless communication technology . WSN has a broad prospect of application .

  15. 分子生物学与核医学的结合形成了分子核医学,基因表达正电子发射断层(PET)显像是当今分子核医学研究的热点和前沿领域之一。

    The merging of molecular biology and nuclear medicine is developed into molecular nuclear medicine . Positron emission tomography ( PET ) of gene expression in molecular nuclear medicine has become an attractive area .

  16. Tandemrepeat在基因组成和进化中起到非常重要的作用,查找和分析Tandemrepeat已经成为当前生物信息学的一个前沿领域和研究焦点。

    Tandem repeat takes such an important role in gene composition and evolution that the search and analysis of tandem repeat have become one of the front domain and research focus .

  17. 斜视SAR成像研究属国际上的前沿领域,相信本文的研究工作对SAR的应用和系统研究具有一定的参考和应用价值。

    The study of the squint SAR imaging stands on the international foreland aspects , I am sure the study works will have definite reference and applications value for the study of SAR system design and imaging .

  18. Pickering乳液在众多前沿领域具有重要的应用价值,近年来引起国内外研究者的广泛关注。

    Pickering emulsion has important applications in many frontiers , which was widespread concerned by researchers in and abroad .

  19. THz激光是一种具有很多独特优点的新型辐射源,THz科学技术是一个非常重要的多学科交叉的前沿领域,在国民经济发展和国防等方面具有重要意义。

    THz laser is a new source of radiation with many unique advantages , employing a new interdisciplinary technology which has great significance to national security and economic development .

  20. 微生物与矿物之间的相互作用研究及浸矿机理是目前生物冶金研究的前沿领域,EPS与矿物表面化学、矿物电化学机制、微生物化学密切相关。

    Researches and leaching mechanism between microbial and mineral interaction is the frontier fields of biological metallurgy , EPS is closely related with mineral surface chemistry , mineral electrochemical mechanism and microbial chemistry .

  21. 基于GIS的景观格局研究是当前土地利用变化研究的前沿领域,而借助GIS手段建立城市用地适宜性评价体系又是各类城市规划和其他相关规划研究的热点。

    The study of landscape pattern based on GIS is the frontier in the land-use change research field , and building the land-use suitability assessment system based on GIS is also the hot spot in the study of urban planning and other related planning .

  22. 群体智能(SwarmIntelligence)作为一个新型的研究领域,自从20世纪70年代出现以来,就引起了多个学科研究人员的关注,已经成为经济、社会、生物、计算机等学科的热点和前沿领域。

    As a new research field , born in 1970 , Swarm Intelligence is always the concern by many researchers . It has been a hot issue and front research field of Economic , Society , Biology , and Computer and so on .

  23. 无粒子数反转激光(Lasingwithoutinversion简称LWI)的研究是当前国际上激光物理重要而活跃的研究前沿领域之一,无粒子数反转激光的研究不仅具有重要的理论价值,而且具有广阔的应用前景。

    The study of lasing without inversion ( LWI ) is an important and active research front field in international lasing physics nowadays . The study of LWI has not only an important theoretical value , but also wide application prospects .

  24. Kuiper带天体(KBOs)的动力学研究是当前太阳系动力学研究的前沿领域之一。

    The dynamics study of the Kuiper Belt Objects ( KBOs ) is one of the research front fields in the Solar System dynamics nowadays .

  25. 亚麻(拉丁学名:Linumusitatissimum),数千年以来一直是人类优质纤维的来源,如今不仅能用于纺纱织造,也被广泛应用于高性能复合材料等前沿领域。

    Flax ( binomial name : Linum usitatissimum ) has been a source of high quality fiber for thousands of years . It can be widely used for spinning , weaving , high-performance composite materials and other fields .

  26. 物联网是信息技术科学的前沿领域。

    The Internet of Things is a frontier of information technology .

  27. 本课题组及时进入了数字城市的前沿领域。

    The item comes duly into research field of digital city .

  28. 疾病史属于国际学术前沿领域。

    The history of diseases belongs to the international front field .

  29. 屈光性手术是当前眼科界发展最快的前沿领域之一。

    Refractive surgery was one of developing research fields in ophthalmology .

  30. 高效毛细管电泳Ⅰ.分析化学中的一个新的前沿领域

    High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis Part I.A Frontier in Analytical Chemistry