- anterior root

Methods : There were three kinds of model of the brachial plexus avulsion injury in present study : the anterior root of the 7th cervical nerve was avulsed ( group I );
In clinical trial , according to the results of the above experiments , rhizotomy of the anterior root of S 2 or one of the half anterior root of S 3 were conducted on 32 patients with spastic bladder after spinal cord injury .
The microsurgical anatomy of the lumbosacral ventral roots in SD rat
Results : The lengths of segment A of ventral roots became big in spine canal from C5 to T1 in spinal canal ( P0.01 ) .
P2X_3 Receptor Expression in Dorsal Root Ganglion in Rats with Lumbar 5 Ventral Root Transection
The motoneuron survive rate of the group of avulsion without reimplantation were 41 % and 29 % , while the positive rate of NOS were 55 % and 58 % .
Conclusion : New paraspinal pathway of quadriceps femoris can be established by L1-L3 spinal ventral roots anastomosis after spinal cord injury at L2 level hemitransection in rats .
Conclusion : Lumbosacral ventral root avulsion progressively deplete pelvic motoneurons . The different expressions of NOS and NMDA receptor subunits may be an important mechanism contributing toward the death of the injured neurons .
Objective : To provide anatomic basis for C7 nerve transfer to anastomose anterior lumbar spinal nerve in vertebral canal to restore the lower limb function of paraplegia .
Conclusions : ( 1 ) S 1 ~ S 3 or S 1 ~ S 4 anterior spinal roots cross anastomosis should be taken during the operation of bladder functional reconstruction with Achilles tendon reflex ;
The level of T 11 , T 12 anterior spinal roots running through spinal dura mater was higher than that of S 2 ~ 4 anterior spinal roots originating from spinal cord ;
Fluorimetric quantitative analysis indicated that GUS expression was organ-specific in transgenic rice . Without the dark treatment , GUS activity in roots and stems were about 7 and 3 times higher than in leaves in which GUS activity was only trace detected .
Methods : The bilateral brachial plexus were exposed on 15 cadaveric specimens of adult . Following data were measured : ① the diameters of C5 , C6 , C7 , C8 , T1 cervical spine nerve roots and ventral nerve roots .
Conclusions : ( 1 ) During the operation of bladder functional reconstruction with the lower abdominal reflexes , T 11 , T 12 and S 2 ~ 4 anterior spinal roots cross anastomosis shoulder be taken and the nerve grafting are needed because of the distance between them .
Electron Microscopic Observation on Anterior Root of Chinese Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Selective ventral rhizotomy for the treatment of spastic cerebral palsy
The numbers of myelinated nerve fibers of ventral roots .
Distribution of the processes of the neurons in the ventral spinal roots
Investigation on the Relationship between Ventral Root and Effects of Electroanalgesia in Rats
The anterior radicular arteries averaged 5.2 ( 2 ~ 10 ) in number .
Effects of mineral element sprinking on the shoot absorption and apple quality before sprout
Projections of the spinal ganglion cell through the ventral root into the spinal cord
The observation of the sensory neurons in the anterior roots of fetus spinal nerve
The lengths of ventral nerve roots .
Distribution of afferent fibers in ventral spinal roots to the spinal cord and medulla oblongata
Conclusions : Delayed reimplantation of avulsion ventral root can enhance motoneuron survival and regeneration .
Influence of Ventral Rhizotomy on the Pain Threshold and the Effect of Electroacupuncture Analgesia in Rats
A study of approaches in reimplantation of avulsed brachial plexus ventral roots into the spinal cord
Survival and regeneration of motoneurons in adult rats by delayed reimplantation of ventral root following spinal root avulsion
It is concluded that the peripheral processes of these ventral root cells distributed via the sympathetic trunk .