
  • 网络forward linkage
  1. 我们的前向关联模型表明,尽管人口将增加十亿,乐观设想仍会引起人均国内生产总值(GDP)20%的增加。

    Our forward linkage model suggests that an optimistic scenario would result in a20 % per cent increase in gross domestic product ( GDP ) per capita , despite one billion additional people .

  2. 后向关联促进了纺织业内资企业的全员劳动生产率提高,前向关联则对纺织业内资企业全员劳动生率的影响是负的。

    Backward linkage promotes the all-personnel labor productivity of domestic firms , while forward linkage has negative effect .

  3. 本论文主要探讨是否在纺织业和食品业存在FDI的水平关联、前向关联和后向关联而产生的技术溢出。

    The aim of this paper is to determine whether there are potential FDI spillovers through horizontal , backward and forward linkages for the textile and foodstuff sectors of the Chinese economy .

  4. 同时解决了以下几个问题:每个企业在应对后向关联市场和前向关联市场中的n多个企业时,企业将选择靠近两市场中需求量最大那个企业;

    At the same time , It is haven solved the following several problem : The enterprise should choose close to which its demand is the most largest when it faces lots of enterprises in the backward related and forward related markets ;

  5. 测定了17个产业部门的关联程度,包括直接关联和间接关联,前向关联和后项关联。

    I measure the intersectoral linkages of 17 sectors , including direct linkages and indirect linkages .

  6. 资源型部门的前向关联较大,而具有比较优势部门的前向关联一般较小。

    Resource-based sector 's forward linkages are larger , while sector with comparative advantage have small forward linkages .

  7. 外商直接投资的技术转让和扩散效应,以及前向关联和后向关联等间接作用在江苏省也很小。

    The technology transfer and diffusion effect , and the forward-relating and afterward-relating effect of FDI were very small .

  8. 另一种是利用能够表达交叉口转向限制和交叉口延误的存储结构&扩展的前向关联边结构,直接存储路网。

    The other one is to straight store road network with the generalized forward star structure , which can represent turn restrictions and intersection delays .

  9. 研究结果表明,云南省旅游业后向关联作用明显强于前向关联作用,且内部关联作用不明显;

    The results show that the role of backward linkages of tourism in Yunnan Province are stronger than the forward linkage effects , and the internal correlation is not obvious ;

  10. 一种是采用满足路线优化需要的紧凑的路网存储结构&前向关联边结构存储路网的对偶网络;

    One is to store the dual network of road network with the forward star structure , which is a compact network storage structure satisfying the needs of route planning .

  11. 完全关联关系较直接关联关系更为显著;物流业的前向关联作用明显强于后向作用,这说明物流业在很大程度上是作为中间产品来满足其他产业部门生产的需要。

    The complete correlation is more significant than the direct correlation ; Logistics ' forward correlation is higher than the backward correlation , which indicates that logistics industry , to a great extent , acts as the intermediate product to meet the production requirements of other industries .

  12. 第四章为本文的重点,对三省市房地产业后向关联效应、前向关联效应、总关联效应及主要关联产业进行动态对比分析。

    Part four is the most important part of this paper . In this part , dynamic analysis is conducted on the total linkages , backward linkages and forward linkages of real estate sector , and the linkages between real estate and other sectors of all the three provinces .

  13. 本文分析了欧洲核子研究中心(CERN),质心系能量为540GeV质子反质子对撞机上UA-1实验的最小偏置触发条件下9万个事例的多重末态粒子前向后向快度关联。

    The correlation of forward-backward multiplicities about 9 × 10 ~ 4 events under minimum-bias trigger condition of UA-1 experiment on 540 GeV proton antiproton collider at CERN is reported .