
  • 网络piercing-sucking mouthparts;piercing sucking mouthparts;piercingsucking mouthparts;piercing and sucking mouth parts;Piercing sucking mouthpans
  1. 转Bt基因棉花对刺吸式口器害虫种群的影响

    Effects of Bt-transgenic cotton on population of the piercing-sucking mouthparts insects

  2. 褐飞虱栖息于稻丛基部,以刺吸式口器吸食韧皮部汁液,严重时稻田成片枯萎,造成减产甚至失收。

    Insects of brown planthopper gather at the base part of rice plant and suck assimilates from the phloem .

  3. 低、无毒农药防治花灌木主要刺吸式口器害虫

    Use of low - toxic and nontoxic pesticides against important pest insects with piercing and sucking mouthparts in flower shrubs

  4. 蚜虫是一类刺吸式口器的小型昆虫,孤雌生殖、世代周期极短、繁殖率高,这使得蚜虫种群增长迅速。

    Aphids are small sap-sucking insects whose parthenogenetic reproduction and short generation time allow them to increase population size rapidly .

  5. 花保是一种无公害的触杀剂,对多种刺吸式口器害虫如蚜虫、蝉、红蜘蛛、介壳虫等有较强的触杀作用。

    Huabao is a pollution free insecticide which has strong contact poisoning function on aphids , cicadas , mites and scales .

  6. 它们主要以刺吸式口器吸取植物的汁液为食,对寄主植物造成危害。

    They live on plant juice with their sucking mouthpart piercing into leaves of branches , which cause harm to the host .

  7. 因此植物内生菌可作为宿主菌,表达抗虫蛋白,用于抗刺吸式口器同翅目害虫。

    Therefore , the endophytic bacteria could be used as a living vector for expressing anti-pest proteins to control sap-sucking Homoptera insects in the future .

  8. 雪花莲凝集素是植物凝集素的一种,它属于单子叶甘露糖结合凝集素家族,对具有刺吸式口器的同翅目害虫具有毒杀作用。

    Snowdrop lectin ( Galanthus nivalis agglutinin ; GNA ), as a kind of plant lectins , is belong to monocotyledon mannose-binding lectin that is toxic to sap sucking injurious insects of Homopteran .

  9. 刺吸电波图(EPG)是用于研究刺吸式口器昆虫取食的电生理技术。

    EPG is an electrical physiological technology which is used to study the probing and feeding behavior of piercing sucking insects .