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zhì yán
  • Salt making;salt manufacturing
制盐[zhì yán]
  1. 双相不锈钢在制盐设备上的应用与焊接

    Welding and Application of Diphase Stainless Steel Applied to Salt Manufacturing Apparatus

  2. 第三章介绍了手工业诸部门的发展,冶炼、制盐、纺织、酿酒四个行业在技术水平、产量质量方面都有显著进步。

    Chapter 3 introduces the development of handicraft industry . Metal production , salt manufacturing , textile and brewing industry make rapid progress in technology and quality .

  3. PLC在制盐包装供料系统中的应用探讨

    Applications of the Programmed Controller in the System of Salt Package

  4. E2钢在真空制盐介质中锈层的研究

    A study of rust layer formed on e_2 steel in salt environment

  5. 浅谈原卤pH值对制盐母液净化的影响

    Brief Discussion on the Impact of pH Value of Purified Brine on Purification of Salt Making Mother Liquor

  6. DCS自动化控制系统在制盐生产中的应用

    Application of DCS in Salt Making

  7. 介绍了可编程控制器(PLC)在制盐分装供料系统的应用及设计,通过实践证明该控制系统灵活性强且运行安全、可靠。

    This paper introduces applications of the programmed controller in the system of salt package and the system is agility , safety and credibility in practices .

  8. 以NH4~+&型天然斜发沸石为交换剂从制盐苦卤中回收钾盐可溶性钾资源短缺,钾肥供应基本上依赖进口。

    Recovery of Potassium from Brine by Natural Zeolite And , China 's dissoluble potassium resources are very scarce .

  9. 从我厂生产实践谈CaSO4型卤水真空制盐工艺物料流程

    Discussion on Material Flow of Vacuum Salt Making with CaSO_4 Type Brine in Our Plant

  10. 以制盐母液综合利用初级产品为基本原料,通过水热合成法制得碱式硫酸镁晶须,并对其进行了化学分析、电子显微镜观察及X射线衍射分析、FT-IR和TG-DTA分析。

    In this paper , basic magnesium sulfate whisker was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis with primary products from bitter brine solution . It was investigated by chemical analyses , electronic microscope scan , X - ray diffraction , FT - IR and TG - DTA analyses .

  11. 干燥器在制盐行业的应用与发展

    Applications and Developments of the Dryer in Industry of Salt Making

  12. 真空制盐设备腐蚀过程研究

    Study on the Corrosion Process for Facilities of Salt-manufacture in Vaccum

  13. 浅论玻璃钢管道在制盐企业的应用

    Talk about the Applications of Glass Fiber Pipe in Salt Production

  14. GB/T13025.12-1994制盐工业通用试验方法钡离子的测定

    General test method in salt industry & Determination of barium ion

  15. 真空制盐蒸发结晶器的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Evaporation Crystallizer in Vacuum Pan Salt Making

  16. 浅谈统计技术在制盐行业的应用

    Brief Discussion on the Application of Statistics in Salt Making Industry

  17. GB/T13025.6-1991制盐工业通用试验方法钙和镁离子的测定

    General test method in salt industry-Determination of calcium and magnesium ions

  18. 新型AMoP/SiO2离子交换剂的制备及应用&从制盐母液中直接提取铯和铷的新方法

    The preparation and application of new typal amop / sio_2 ion exchanger

  19. 浅议制盐工艺中沉盐器的合理性

    Brief Discussion on the Rationality of Salt Settlers in Salt Making Process

  20. 2507双相钢在制盐蒸发罐上的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Duplex Stainless Steel 2507 in Evaporator of Salt Making

  21. 对真空制盐车间不锈钢膨胀节热影响区腐蚀裂纹的探讨

    Study on Corrosion Cracking of Bellows Expansion Joint Made of Stainless Steel

  22. 真空制盐排盐系统改造

    Modification of Salt Discharge System in Vacuum Pan Salt Making

  23. 合理利用资源降低制盐成本

    Rational Utilization of Resources and Decrease of Salt Production Cost

  24. 年产60万吨真空盐项目制盐工程方案综述

    Summary of Scheme for 600,000 tpa Vacuum Salt Making Project

  25. 超声波技术在制盐工业中的应用前景

    The Application Prospect of Ultrasonic Wave Technology in Salt Industry

  26. 浅述加热蒸汽压力稳定性对制盐的影响

    Talk about the Pressure Stability of Heating Steam Effects to Salt Making

  27. 钛管在制盐蒸发中的污垢特性研究

    Study on the Foul Characteristic of Titanium Tubes in Salt Making Evaporation

  28. 真空制盐生产中的防垢除垢方法

    Scale Prevention and Scale Removal Method in Vacuum Salt Making

  29. 制盐企业财务危机预警体系的建立

    Construction of Early Warning System of Financial Crisis in Salt Making Enterprises

  30. 制盐设备用不锈钢及复合板的选材

    Selection Of Stainless Steel And Its Clad Plate Used for Salt-Making Plant