
  • Document preparation;Single system;c maker;System Shan
  1. 电算化如何提高制单效率

    How to Enhance the Efficiency of Producing Documents by Computerized Accounting

  2. 负责管理记账凭证的制单和复核工作。

    Be responsible for managing accounting voucher making and verifying .

  3. 免费代理制单,审阅信用证,代办货运保险。

    Free agency of documents making , examination of letter of credit , agency of freight insurance .

  4. 制单发运:监督及时完成订单的制作与发运工作。

    Make bills of documents and shipment delivery : guarantee all the documents and delivery to be ready in time .

  5. 您知道,我们得备货、制单、订舱位。

    You know , we need to get the goods ready , make out the documents and book shipping space .

  6. 初步复核银行付款申请书、IT设备采购单等单据,完成网上银行的制单并及时跟踪银行付款进度。

    Review the bank payment application form , IT equipment purchasing form , perform the payment in online-banking as well as track the bank payment schedule .

  7. 熟悉制单,记帐,结帐,制作财务报表及统计报表,报税,审核报销凭证;

    Familiar with making singly , keep accounts , check out , make financial statement and statistical report form , declare dutiable goods , verify the receipt ;

  8. 账单算错了,我们得叫服务员核实一下。负责管理记账凭证的制单和复核工作。

    " The bill is wrong , and we have to ask the waiter to cheek it . " Be responsible for managing accounting voucher making and verifying .

  9. 由于货运业务的剧增,货物量爆炸式增长,有关航空货运订舱,制单航班管理以及对于货物进出港的管理日益繁杂,几乎成为了导致航空公司货运效率低下,错误频发的罪魁祸首。

    Due to the sharp increase in the freight business , cargo quantity is explosively growing , thus the management of air cargo booking , document-making flight and inbound and outbound cargo is increasingly complex , almost becoming a main cause of inefficiency and fallibility of airlines freight .