
Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended .
Under the latest guidelines local governments will negotiate directly with individual creditors to swap maturing loans for newly issued bonds .
CIC and Blackstone paid about 35 cents on the dollar for the portfolio , which includes both current and non-performing loans , sources said .
Other borrowers may be unable to get new loans in amounts great enough to cover maturing loans because lenders will be unwilling to finance those amounts .
The one-year lending rate is important in China because banks use it to calculate other interest rates , based on the maturity of the loan and the creditworthiness of the borrower .
In order to improve customer managers ' appraisal management quality , improve customer managers ' work enthusiasm and initiative , practically the realization of automatic due loans collection , risk alarming and rank management , we need a special customer manager appraisal management system .
Advantage partners made many attempts to convince creditors to reset the terms of the buy-out financing and extend the loan , which expires in 2013 .
If he can not pay off the loan that becomes due soon .
My notes due and my failing crop .
European central banks held interest rates steady yesterday as fears mounted that banks and other financial institutions would struggle to refinance loans that fall due next week .
About a year ago an action was brought against the firm by one of its suppliers for recovery of the sums due , though payment was recovered in full .
Smaller measures to help the economy could initially take the form of a decision to reinvest proceeds from maturing mortgage-backed securities held by the US central bank , thereby preventing the Fed 's balance sheet from shrinking naturally .
The joint funding company collecting money through bank loans , issuing currency or other ways and those small and middle enterprises can get correspondent money in accordance with contracts and their basic guarantee money . Due bank loans and bonds should be paid uniformly .
That is enough to refinance a meaningful amount of soon-maturing leveraged loans .
You go to a bank and say , I want to borrow to refinance my mortgage , which is due now .
The investments held until their maturity , loans and accounts receivable shall be measured on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate method ;
But with property sales between January and May down 9 % from a year earlier , many developers don 't have the income to repay maturing trust loans and are looking for cash elsewhere .
Nearly a year after Michael Jackson 's death , the managers overseeing his estate have stabilized its precarious financial situation , but at least one major liability still looms : a $ 300 million loan due at the end of this year .
If a borrower fails to repay a fiduciary loan upon maturity , he shall bear liability in accordance with the provisions of the contract .
Even more importantly , regulators have told banks to extend maturities on many of their loans to local governments that are coming due this year .
He also announced that China will cancel the debt of some African countries ' interest-free government loans that are due to mature by the end of this year .
Sacyr is scrambling to refinance a loan expiring on Wednesday that was taken out at the height of the credit bubble to buy 20 per cent of Repsol .
Loan loss provision as a barrier for commercial banks to prevent the expected risk is extracted from the profits or income , which is mainly used to make up for the expected losses .
The Borrower shall repay the Loan , interest on the Loan and all other charges or liabilities in relation to the Loan , by such number of monthly instalments as agreed to by the Lender .
About 35 per cent of the loans to local governments are due over the next three years , but many of them went to infrastructure investments that have not yet started to generate revenues , raising the risk of defaults .
On put together , borrower should according to oneself circumstance reasonable setting specified amount of every months of reimbursement is spent and comply with reimbursement , a huge sum is faced to borrow money when making he expires in loan and be in insolvent condition .
If a borrower cannot repay the guaranteed loan on time , the commercial bank which issues the loan has the right to ask the guarantor to repay the principal and interest of the loan or enjoy the priority of repayment by security in accordance with law .