
lì quán
  • economic rights;financial power
利权 [lì quán]
  • (1) [economic rights]∶经济上的权利(多指国家的)

  • 利权外溢

  • (2) [financial power]∶掌管财政的权力

  • 晚年多病,不求利权

利权[lì quán]
  1. 他的所作所为的时代意义,有助于商人社会地位的提高、民族资本经济的发展、国家经济利权的保护。

    All these measures made for heightening the merchant social class , developing the ethical capitalist economy , protecting the national economic rights .

  2. 利权意识在20世纪初年的变化加重了晚清重商观念内在矛盾。

    The changes of the economic rights consciousness in the early20th century aggravated the inherent contradictions of the pro-business concept in late Qing Dynasty .

  3. 而高科技企业中专利权、序列投资项目等具有期权的特征,基于实物期权理论对高科技企业的IPO进行定价也就具备了可行性。

    The patent and investment project of the array possess the characteristics of option , we can carry on valuation to them by the methods of real option , so it possess feasibility on pricing IPO in high-tech enterprise on the basis of real option theory .

  4. 专利许可中专利权滥用行为的反垄断规制

    The Regulation on the Abuse of Patent Right in Patent Licensing by Antitrust Law

  5. 中国电信利权自清季电信业创办以来迭遭外人侵夺。

    Since the very beginning , Chinese Telecommunication Qingji was under the control of foreign companies .

  6. 南京国民政府建立后,为收回我国电信利权展开了积极行动。

    After the foundation , Nanjing Government began to take actions to reclaim the operation right .

  7. 他强调利权归我,强烈反对外国资本主义的经济侵略。

    He emphasized that " Benefit returns to me " and he opposed foreign capitalist economic invasion .

  8. 清政府铁路政策的转变和收回铁路利权运动的推动。

    The railway policies of Qing Government transferred and the movement for the reclaimation of railway rights advanced rapidly .

  9. 京汉路的赎回是清末利权回收运动的标志性成就。

    The redemption of Jinghan Railroad was one prominent achievement of the reclamations of benefits and rights in the late Qing Dynasty .

  10. 对外主要是要求修改或废除阻碍民族工商业发展的不平等条约,收回利权。

    The external aspect mainly required modifying and abolishing unequal pacts that obstructed the development of national industry and commerce and reclaiming rights .

  11. 一开始,中国对西方列强满怀希望,期待可以凭借战胜国的身份争回国家利权。

    For a start , the Chinese hope for Western powers , looking forward to with the victors of the identity for national rights .

  12. 晚清邮政近代化是中国邮政事业发展的必然结果,也是挽回中国利权的必要举措之一。

    Modernized post of the late Qing Dynasty is the inevitable outcome of China Post'development , and also a necessary measure to retrieve sovereign rights .

  13. 同时他洞见到一国企图独霸中国利权、与其他国家为敌的外交策略不仅不可行,而且亦不可为,因为没有哪个国家的实力能达到与世界为敌的程度。

    He also perceived that it was neither feasible nor unfit for a country to confront other major powers by aspiring to solely control China .

  14. 第四,制定专门的技术标准中专利权滥用方面的反垄断法规章或者指南,并设立专门机构进行执法。

    Fourthly , establish particular antitrust law or guideline to regulate the misuse of patent in technology standard and set up specialized agency to enforce it .

  15. 中国收回了部分利权,但并未阻止日本势力的侵入,并且给中苏关系蒙上阴影。

    Though China drew back some interests , it didn 't prevent Japan 's invasion , thus shadow covered on the relations between China and Soviet Russia .

  16. 数年后,为了保护铁路利权,清政府和广大民众强烈要求废除粤汉铁路借款合同。

    After several years , in order to protect the railway economic rights and interests , the Qing government and the public demanded to abolish the loan agreement intensely .

  17. “北库页岛利权”问题,是第二次世界大战前及战中,日苏两国调整关系过程中的矛盾焦点。

    Before and during the WWII , the right of exploitation in Northern Sakhalin was a focus of conflict in the adjustment of foreign relations between Japan and the Soviet Union .

  18. 此后,从力促袁世凯掀起收开运动开始,他为维护国家利权进行过一系列活动。

    Since then , he made a series of activities to safeguard national interests and rights , so a promotion from encouraging Yuan Shikai Taking Kaiping ore right back movement began .

  19. 利用完全信息动态博弈模型与完全信息静态监督博弈模型,指出了出口贸易中专利权风险的触发条件。

    Based on the above analysis , this paper explores the trigger conditions of patent risks quantitatively by establishing complete information dynamic game model and complete information static supervising game model .

  20. 在专利制度中专利权保护范围是最基础也是最重要的部分,不论是专利权的申请、审查、授予、还是侵权判定,都是围绕着专利权保护范围进行的。

    As the cornerstone of patent system , the protection scope of patent as the center of application , examination , grant and infringement judgement of patent right bears most importance .

  21. 在对外交涉中,袁世凯利用自身的职务多次开展收回利权运动,文中只对苏杭甬路的交涉作了分析论述。

    In foreign representations , Yuan Shih-kai used advantage of their numerous duties to recover rights recovery campaign . Only in the Jiangsu and the Hangzhou-Ningbo railway analysis on the representations made .

  22. 应当进一步注意到的是本案中专利权所有人以列举的方式,画出了一个他所说的烟灰缸的结构草图。

    It is further to be observed in this case that the patentee does show a drawing illustrating , as he says , one construction of the ash-tray by way of example .

  23. 主要就收回行政主权和领土主权、在自开商埠中行使国家主权、维护国家利权等方面进行探讨和评价。

    This part will commend and discuss the following aspects : to regain administration sovereignty and territory sovereignty , to enforce sovereignty in self-opening economic ports , to stick up for national commercial rights .

  24. 由于当时的历史条件以及创办人服务社会的经营理念,它的创办主要不是以营利为目的,而是为了挽回利权、发扬国光、辅助工商、便利旅行和推动上海银行的业务。

    The main purpose of its establishment was not for profit , but for retrieving sovereign right , for serving the people , and for promoting the business of Shanghai Commercial and Saving bank .

  25. 但是,专利权人于专利权授予之日前即已得知或者应当得知的,自专利权授予之日起计算。

    However , where the patentee has already obtained or should have obtained knowledge before the date of the grant of the patent right , the prescription shall be counted from the date of the grant .

  26. 袁世凯与张之洞议定分借款、造路为两事,既能保护利权,又解决了资金问题。

    Yuan Shih-kai and Chang Chih-tung discussed the fate loan , which to make the road and load was two matters . This could protect the economic rights and interests , and solve the fund problem .

  27. 洋员管理政策在后期以裁汰为主,其原因是节费的需要,这与当时的利权回收运动有关。

    The management policy for foreigners was mainly cutting-down during the later period . Its reason was the need of economic fee . This was related to the retrieve campaign in economic rights at that time .

  28. 专利技术标准中专利权滥用主要表现在在标准制定过程中不披露专利权,专利权拒绝许可和签订限制性商业条款、歧视性许可等行为。

    The patent abuse mainly shows in the performance of non-disclosure of information patent in the procedure of making standards , the refusing of licensing patent , signing restrictive clauses and discriminatory licenses and so on .

  29. 从甲午战争到日俄战争爆发约十年间,西方列强在中国展开了非常强烈的利权攫夺竞争,此项竞争所涉及的范围非常广泛,其中掠夺中国矿产资源尤其激烈。

    From the sino-japanese war to the Russian war about ten years , the western powers in China with very strong economic rights grabbed the competition , the competition involved scope is very broad , including mineral resources plundering Chinese especially intense .

  30. 技术标准中专利权滥用有多种表现形式,从技术标准制定过程中的隐瞒相关专利信息的行为,到标准实施过程中的拒绝专利许可、在许可合同中规定各种不合理的限制性条款等等。

    There are various kinds of patent abuse such as concealing relevant patent information during the process of making certain technical standards , rejecting to license relevant patents to certain standards users , and prescribing unreasonable restrictive stipulations in relevant patent license agreements .