
lì xī zhī chū
  • Interest expense;interest disbursement
  1. 凯投宏观(capitaleconomics)表示,通过发行共同债券,希腊可以降低利息支出,降幅为gdp的15%。

    Greece could cut its interest bill by 15 per cent of GDP in this way , according to capital economics .

  2. 今年,希腊基本财政赤字(不计利息支出)可能为国内生产总值(GDP)的1%左右,比IMF今年4月预期的还要糟糕。

    This year , the primary fiscal balance ( before interest ) might be a deficit of about 1 per cent of gross domestic product , worse than the IMF forecast in April [ NO LINK AVAILABLE ] .

  3. 原始赤字,即政府开支(剔除利息支出)减去税收收入的余额,今年有望达到惊人的7.7%&这样的水平已促使国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)敦促美国采取更有效的行动。

    The primary deficit , representing the excess of government spending excluding interest payments over tax receipts , is on track to hit a belt-popping 7.7 % this year & a level that prompted the International Monetary Fund to say the United States needs to get its act together .

  4. 在穆迪首席经济学家PierreCailleteau看来,关键比率不是债务与GDP之比而是利息支出与政府收入之比。

    In the eyes of Pierre Cailleteau , Moody 's chief economist , the key ratio is not debt-to-GDP but interest payments as a proportion of government revenues .

  5. 首先可以从“基本预算盈余”(税收收入超过非利息支出总额的部分)入手只要在相当于国内生产总值(gdp)一半的预算中削减占gdp3%的支出,它就可以消除全部预算赤字。

    Starting with its " primary budget surplus " ( tax revenues exceeding total non-interest outlays ) , it can eliminate its overall budget deficit if it cuts spending by just 3 per cent of gross domestic product in a budget that equals half of GDP .

  6. 方案之二是实行同一种计划,直至希腊实现基本的财政平衡(不计利息支出的财政平衡),然后再违约,或者至少与imf和欧盟就此前的计划进行重新协商。

    The second option would be to pursue the same plan until Greece achieves a primary balance the fiscal balance before the payment of interest and then to default , or at least to renegotiate the programme with the IMF and the EU .

  7. 报告指出,在大多数发达经济体,要使债务与GDP比率恢复到危机前的水平,基本预算盈余(不计利息支出)占GDP的比率需要连续20年保持在2%以上的水平。

    Indeed , the study says the budgets of most advanced economies , excluding interest payments , would need 20 consecutive years of surpluses exceeding 2 per cent of gross domestic product – starting now – just to bring the debt-to-GDP ratio back to its pre-crisis level .

  8. 到2050年,这些职能支出将占到非利息支出的四分之三。

    These functions would absorb three-quarters of non-interest spending by 2050 .

  9. 只要利率略高于6%,利息支出就能抵消全部利润。

    An interest rate a little above 6 per cent would wipe that profit out .

  10. 投入变量定义为:利息支出、营业费用、固定资产折旧、实收资本;产出变量定义为:利息收入、税前利润。

    Input Variables : interest expense , operation expense , asset discount , owner capital .

  11. 即便只上升5个基点,也将给纳税人每年增加500亿美元的利息支出。

    Even five basis points would add $ 50bn of annual interest expense for taxpayers .

  12. 不过,如果你付出了自己的5-10,你将会大大降低利息支出。

    However , if you pay a5-10 own , your interest payments will be much lower .

  13. 如果你做这些事情会导致更多、更高的债务利息支出。

    If you do either of these things will result in more debt and higher interest payments .

  14. 随着经济进一步增长,贷款人可以负担其利息支出而不必担心出现拖欠。

    And with the economy buoyant , debtors could afford to meet their interest payments without defaulting .

  15. 如果你贷款偿还你,他们做出一叠钱利息支出。

    If you pay back your loan , they make a bundle of money in interest payments .

  16. 与此同时,支付第一笔款项也意味着减少了利息支出。

    At the same time , pay the first payment also means that the reduction of interest payments .

  17. 不景气的经济、沉重的利息支出、艰巨的财政调整措施,都能让债务水平很快上升到难以为继的水平。

    Recession , onerous interest payment schedules , and severe fiscal adjustment measures can quickly make debt levels unsustainable .

  18. 其次,本文采用(利息支出+资本化利息)/年初年末平均总负债的值来度量债务成本。

    Secondly , this thesis uses interest expense plus capitalized interest divide average debt to measure the debt cost .

  19. 以当前平均利率计算,每年利息支出高达3720亿美元。

    At the current average interest rate , that costs $ 372 billion in interest payments in one year .

  20. 这三个财务指标分别为:利息支出率、经营性现金流入变异系数、超额股利支付率。

    These three financial indicators are interest expense ratio , operating cash inflows variation coefficient and extra dividend pay rate .

  21. 作者强调不能过重看待债转股所减少的企业利息支出,因为这只是转移困境。

    The writer stresses that we should not over-estimate the reduction on the enterprises interest expenditure by changing debts into shares .

  22. 譬如,仔细思考一下奥巴马政府最新预算案中有关联邦债务利息支出的安排;

    Consider , for example , what the latest budget proposal from the Obama administration says about interest payments on federal debt ;

  23. 还有一种选择,是根除(或限制)美国人通过扣减按揭利息支出、降低应税收入的能力。

    Another option is to eliminate – or limit – Americans ' ability to reduce their taxable income by deducting mortgage interest payments .

  24. 龙滩水电站工程80%的建设资金来源于银行贷款,融资费用较高。因此,必须优化债务结构,减少利息支出;

    More than 80 % construction funds for the Longtan Hydropower Project is loaned from the Banks so that its financing cost is relative high .

  25. 条例草案另一重要目标,是加强有关扣除利息支出的防止避税条文。利息支出在计算利得税时是一个可扣除的项目。

    Another important objective of the bill is to strengthen anti-avoidance provisions relating to deductions for interest payments-one of the allowable deductions under profits tax .

  26. 在资产已安装完毕可以投入使用后,利息支出被记作费用,而不是该资产成本的组成部分。

    Interest charges after the asset is ready for use are recorded as interest expense , not as part of the cost of the asset .

  27. 银行的利润率现在相当可观,成本也已降低,并且利息支出已接近许多年来的最低水平。

    Business profitability is good , gearing has declined and interest payments as a share of profits are around the lowest level for many years .

  28. 原因之二是,随着政府债务的进一步累积以及利率回归正常水平,利息支出在联邦政府支出中所占比重将趋于上升。

    Second , the accumulation of more debt and a return to normal interest rates will raise the share of federal spending devoted to interest payments .

  29. 从2000年以来,人们开始将自己的房屋净资产用于支付信用卡账单,以降低信用卡的利息支出。

    From 2000 and onward , people were using their home-equity lines to pay off their credit-cards bills to reduce the interest on their credit cards .

  30. 银行贷款融资成本比企业债券高,但是,可以随用随贷,减少利息支出;

    The cost of bank loan is much higher than that of enterprise bonds . But you can get loan when you need with low interest .