
lì jǐ
  • Self-interest;be only concerned with one's own interests;devote to oneself
利己 [lì jǐ]
  • [self-care; benefit oneself] 只顾自己

  • 利己利人

  1. 他的所有决定都受利己之心的支配。

    All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest .

  2. 他们当中,并非所有人的行动都是出于利己的目的。

    Not all of them were acting out of self-interest .

  3. 这都是利己主义在作祟。

    All this trouble is caused by selfishness .

  4. 在汽车工业历史的大部分时期,领导人都是一群粗鲁的利己主义者。

    For most of its history , the car industry was led by a group of rugged individualists .

  5. 人的本性是利己的,失去监督的权力必然导致腐败

    The person 's nature is hoggish , lose supervisory power to bring about corruption necessarily .

  6. 这个行业中的很多大企业不顾小公司的看法,仍然一意孤行地建立利己的商业规则。

    Many big companies in the industry continue to ride roughshod over the wishes of small businesses , setting1 up rules in order to benefit themselves .

  7. 重要的认识就是,开放的多Agent系统由异质的,利己的Agent构成,不同的人使用不同的语言和架构开发的。

    Significant cognizance is that open multi-agent systems are populated by heterogeneous , self-interested agents , developed by different people , using different languages and architectures .

  8. n.利己主义者约翰是一个利己主义者,他只关心自己。

    egoist John is such an egoist that he only cares about himself .

  9. 现在许多Web站点和移动应用程序帮助全球各个城市的乘客,购物者和游客成为合乎道德的利己者,帮助他们利用交通选项。

    Many Web sites and mobile applications now help commuters , shoppers , and tourists in cities all over the world be virtuously selfish and take advantage of their transit options .

  10. Ginger对过程的评估需要检查在开始的时候先检查利己主义(她的和我的)。

    Ginger 's evaluations of the process require checking egos ( hers and mine ) at the door .

  11. 我们每天都要习惯于将人类想作“经济行为人”(economicagents):完全利己、不停地计算成本和收益、对边际收益和损失高度敏感。

    We are daily conditioned to think of human beings as " economic agents " : as purely self-interested , endlessly calculating costs and benefits and highly sensitive to marginal gains and losses .

  12. 影响利他行为发生程度的因素与行为个体的能力(收入预算约束)b、两个体之间敌友指数r正相关,与利他行为的价格Pa、利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The factors of altruistic behavioral degree are positive interrelated to budget b and friendship index r , negative interrelated to the prices of altruistic behavior and behavioral quantity .

  13. 同时利他行为的发生量与个体的行为能力(预算约束)和敌友指数正相关,与利他行为的价格pa和利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The author also pointed out the amount of altruism is positive interrelated to the individual behavioral capability and friendship index , and negative interrelated to altruistic price and the amount of egoism .

  14. 政客们是众所周知的利己主义者,一心只想着往上爬。

    Politicians are notorious egotists , interested only in promoting themselves .

  15. 公然的“利己安排”也许会让别人对你的可信度产生怀疑。

    Blatant self-serving agendas may cast doubt on one 's trustworthiness .

  16. 它表明理智对民族利己主义的显著胜利。

    It represented a remarkable triumph of reason over selfish nationalism .

  17. 美国拥有充分利己的理由单方面这么做。

    The US has every selfish reason to do this unilaterally .

  18. 光是利己主义与市场机会相结合还不够。

    A marriage between self-interest and market opportunities is not enough .

  19. 不知道人类根本上是利他还是利己。

    We wonder if human beings are primarily altruistic or selfish .

  20. 利己主义者往往对生活持悲观态度。

    Egoists are inclined to take a pessimistic view of life .

  21. 但同时苏联的民族利己主义也出现了恶性的膨胀发展。

    Meanwhile the national egoism had also been expanded and developed viciously .

  22. 拥挤会滋生异化、利己和匿名的感觉。

    Crowding breeds feelings of alienation , cynicism and anonymity .

  23. 但是,利己主义和明智的政策应能降低问题的可能性。

    But self-interest and sensible policy can cut the odds of trouble .

  24. 利己主义是剥削阶级人生目的的核心。

    Egoism is the core of aim of life of exploiting classes .

  25. 经济人具有利己的“根本属性”和遵从制度安排的“制度属性”。

    Economic man has the attribute of egoism and complying with institution .

  26. 我们不能偏狭的认为利己就是道德上的恶。

    We cannot intolerantly think that " self-interest " is moral evil .

  27. 心理利己主义可以被控使用圆形的逻辑。

    Psychological egoism can be accused of using circular logic .

  28. 主要的障碍并非是党派意识,而是个人的利己主义。

    The main obstacle is not partisanship , but individualism .

  29. 他们的金融利己主义是我们股东是站在一条线上的吗?

    Is their financial self-interest truly aligned with mine as a shareholder ?

  30. 然而现在,受到启蒙的利己主义更像主流的道德规范。

    Now , however , enlightened self-interest is more the prevailing ethic .