
  • 网络lichuan;Lichuan city;Icheon
  1. 利川市成年女性尿失禁流行病学调查

    Prevalence of Female Urinary Incontinence in Lichuan City

  2. 利川市土家族作为一个独立的民族,其婚丧仪式在长期的历史发展中逐渐形成一套具有独特风格的仪式,并在外来文化冲击与自身文化发展中发生着变化。

    As a independent minority , The TuJia Minority in Lichuan City has a set of ritual of wedding and funeral with the development of history , and changed by the influence of exoteric culture .

  3. 结果利川市成年女性尿失禁的总患病率为29。

    The incidence of female urinary incontinence was29 .

  4. 位于鄂西南边缘山区的利川市,具有独特的资源系统。

    Located in the edge of the mountains of south west Hubei province , Lichuan has unique resource system .

  5. 媒介接触行为与民俗文化变迁的相关性研究&以利川市土家族节庆民俗文化为个案

    Correlation Analysis of Media Contact and Change of Folk Culture & Taking Tujia Festival Folk Culture in Lichuan as an Example

  6. 结论利川市女性尿失禁患病率较高,对女性生活质量有较大影响,而尿失禁的卫生知识普及和医治却未得到足够认识。

    Conclusion The present survey demonstrated that the prevalence of female urinary incontinence in Lichuan was high and it has been proved to be an important health problem .

  7. 《龙船调》的故乡&西部名城利川市是一个神奇而美丽的地方,这里有着雄奇险峻的自然风光和悠久灿烂的民族文化。

    Lichuan , hometown of dragon boat song , is a magic and beautiful city in the western part of China with its magnificent natural scenery and splendid ethnic culture .

  8. 清江源头利川市被誉为歌舞之乡,这里是民歌民舞的海洋,土家花灯尤为出色。

    The city of Lichuan is renowned for its singing and dancing . There are abundant folk songs and dances here . Among them Tujia flower lamp is of particular excellence .

  9. 本文通过对利川市农村旅游资源的分析,结合当地实际情况,为其发展农村生态旅游的提出了一些方案,同时也对三峡类似地区农村旅游的发展具有借鉴意义。

    This article provides some plans for the development of Lichuan 's village tourism after a series of survey about its village tourism resources , and also provides basis to the alike areas of Three Gorges .

  10. 以利川市实际情况为前提和依据,筐选出7个预选场址,经实地踏勘和从填坦容量、运输距离、搬迁户数量等方面分析,遴选出其中3个;

    Based on and according to the practical situation in Lichuan city , 3 pre-selected sites were covered from 7 original sites through field investigation and in consideration in their capacities , transportation distance and the number of residents need to be resettled .