- 名altruist

While the altruist would want the evidence , the warm-glow giver just wants to feel the connection .
The altruist , instead of continuing to perform selfless acts , will try to compel change in the offender .
Jokic , altruistic in nature , became a destroyer .
I doubt your children are Becker-Barro altruists .
The poor are also poorer now , so altruists can achieve more with their donation .
The poor are the only consistent altruists ; they sell all that they have and give to the rich .
Its " goodness " stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith 's invisible hand .
To that extent , a poor man who shares his crust with a starving friend is surely a greater altruist than either billionaire .
Work altruists , the top 25 % , give the most , while work isolators , the bottom 25 % , provide the least .
From then on , it became the traditional creed that taking Smith as the altruism in the ethics and the egoism in the economics .
The students reacted differently depending on whether they won for themselves or for charity with the ones who described themselves as altruistic responding more strongly .
Perhaps it was just too easy to say no. Altruistic donations , solicited during the forewarning run , tended to be larger and held up better during the crisis .
Assume your children are Becker-Barro altruists . This means that they care not about how much cash they give , but about the total sum their children receive from all sources .
In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters , it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish " cheaters " .
Genuine altruists would be more likely to give if forewarned , for much the same reason that you are more likely to be in to receive a delivery if told what time it will arrive .
In fact , adhere to all levels of government and its civil servants are pure representatives of the public interest and the natural altruistic point of view of traditional policy theory in reality , the process of policy practice has been challenged .