
chū xuě
  • the first snow
初雪 [chū xuě]
  • [the first snow] 入冬后的第一场雪

初雪[chū xuě]
  1. 这个季节在初雪中散步呀。

    Taking a walk in the first snow of the season .

  2. 2000年北疆地区初雪天气分析

    A Case Analysis of First Snow in Northern Area of Xinjiang in 2000

  3. 11月下旬和12月,美国大部分地区出现了初雪和刺骨的低温,这是20年来创纪录的低温日数首次有可能超过创纪录的温暖日数。

    Late November and December saw early snow and bone-chilling temperatures in much of the country , part of a year when , for the first time in two decades , record-cold days will likely turn out to have outnumbered record-warm ones .

  4. 今年,韩剧《来自星星的你》让炸鸡在禽流感时节大卖,因为剧中女主角说她在初雪时最喜欢吃“炸鸡和啤酒”。

    This year , My Love from the Star boosted sales of fried chicken amid the bird flu crisis , because the female protagonist said she adored " beer and fried chicken " as her favorite food when the first winter snow began to fall .

  5. 河南省两场初雪的Q矢量诊断分析

    Q Vector Analysis of the Two Early Snows in Henan

  6. 初雪大部分是由雪晶中受阻的空气组成的。

    Fresh snow is made largely of air trapped among the snow crystals .

  7. 躺在初雪上已凋零破残。

    Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow .

  8. 轻盈、洁白的雪花纷纷扬扬,这场初雪似乎在抚慰大地。

    The early snows fall soft and white and seem to heal the landscape .

  9. 初恋就像初雪,印记很容易看见。

    First love is like first snow : The marks are easy to see .

  10. 初雪飘落时,是何等的宁谧,何等的幽静!

    What silence , too , came with the snow , and what seclusion !

  11. 却由红变灰终于跌落下来的蜀葵,需要那盖满了初雪的凋零的玫瑰吗?

    Red into grey and tumble down , late roses filled with early snow ?

  12. 本季度的初雪降落在山脉中部而且现在甚至还不是秋天。

    The first snow of the season has fallen in the central mountains and it 's not even fall .

  13. 起初构思的是一首辉煌的诗歌《初雪》,最终却变形成为凶险得多的东西。

    Originally conceived as a solemn poem entitled " Virgin Snow ", it eventually metamorphosed into something much more menacing .

  14. 在拉普兰,五月初雪才开始融化,温度也悄悄回到零度以上。

    Snow often thaws in Lapland as late as the beginning of May , so the temperatures also rarely raise above zero .

  15. 那一天,初雪飘落,我把你高高举起,看雪花在你柔软的肌肤上融化。

    One day , the first snowflakes fell , and I help you up and watched them melt on your baby skin .

  16. 多么寒冷的雪天啊初雪飘落时,是多么的静谧,多么的安详!

    What a cold , snow day ! @ says Danny . What silence , too , came with the snow , and what seclusion !

  17. 寒潮带来降雪&北京今冬的初雪让当地居民颇感意外。这场雪从上周六晚间一直持续到周日下午。

    Cold snap brings snow & Beijing 's first snowfall this winter , which began on Saturday night and lasted until Sunday afternoon , surprised locals .

  18. 弹粉法,如赵斡的《江行初雪图》,就用弹粉法表现飘落的小雪的,江天寒雪纷飞,渔家之艰辛,描述殆尽。

    As the " river bank with Zhao dance chart ", with shells powder method performance falling snow . Jiang Tian snow fly fishing , hardships , described by .

  19. 其中一名骑士穿了一套雕工繁复,上了瓷釉的白鳞甲,灿烂得活像一片覆盖初雪的洁白大地,白色银线和钩扣在阳光下熠熠发光。

    One knight wore an intricate suit of white enameled scales , brilliant as a field of new-fallen snow , with silver chasings and clasps that glittered in the sun .

  20. 御林七铁卫是全场焦点,除了詹姆·兰尼斯特,他们全都身着牛奶色的鳞甲,披风洁白犹如初雪。

    The seven knights of the Kingsguard took the field , all but Jaime Lannister in scaled armor the color of milk , their cloaks as white as freshfallen snow .

  21. 尤其是初雪,在形成和飘落的过程中容易吸附很多污染物,所以并不适宜饮用。

    Is particularly early snow mushroom , in the formulating and float to fall of easily adsorb a lot of contaminants in the course , the quare amalgamation out of character drinks .

  22. 他们曾在自己起居室的墙上挂了一副简短的箴言:“人生犹如初雪之野,我择路而行之处,步步清晰可见。”

    They had a simple motto hanging on their living-room wall : " life is like a field of newly fallen snow ; where I choose to walk every step will show . "

  23. 张广俊的《竹乡初雪》画面:一轮皓月照亮一片被茂密竹林遮住,又时隐时现的小山村;

    Zhang Guangjun " Zhu Xiang First Snow " screen : a Haoyue lit up by a dense bamboo forest cover , and when the time is now hidden a small mountain village ;

  24. 由迈克尔?法斯宾德扮演的哈里侦探受人之托去破解一宗寒冬初雪时节发生的谋杀案,这宗谋杀案可能和积压数十年之久的多宗冬日旧案有关。

    Michael Fassbender steps into the shoes of this ace investigator , who is called upon to solve a murder that occurred during the first snow of winter which may be connected to decades-old cold cases .

  25. 一阵刺骨的寒风刮了起来,初雪铺白了山顶。鸿鼎副总经理卞素亲自上阵,指挥和参与铲雪。

    A raw wind was blowing , and the first flurries of snow were whitening the hilltops . Ms. Bian , the vice General manager got up the roof and lead the workers to clear the snow .

  26. 今天,北京和中国北部一些其他城市意外地迎来早来的初雪,导致上千万人交通堵塞,首都决定提前为市民供暖。

    An unexpectedly early snow fell on Beijing and other cities in North China on Friday , causing traffic dilemmas for millions of people and the capital to start providing heating for residential complexes ahead of schedule .

  27. 初雪来了。她是多么美丽。一整天,一整夜,静静地落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在人们居住的房顶上,落在沉寂的坟墓上!

    The first snow came.How beautiful it was , falling so silently , all day long , all night long , on the mountains , on the meadows , on the roofs of the living , on the graves of the dead !

  28. 初雪来了,她是多么美丽,一整天,一整夜,静静地落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在人们居住的房顶上,落在沉寂的坟墓上。

    The first snow came . How beautiful it was , falling so silently , all day long , all night long , on the mountains , on the meadows , on the roofs of the living , on the graves of the dead !