
  • 网络elementary algebra
  1. 上世纪50年代初,Tarski发表了著名的《初等代数与初等几何的判定问题》,宣称在理论上可以解决实几何问题,但由于其方法复杂度太高效率太低不能实现。

    In the 1950 's , Tarski published the famous article - A Decision Method for Elementary Algebra and Geometry , which declared that real geometric problem can be resolved theoretically . But this method can not be implemented practically to high complexity and was proved to be inefficient .

  2. 例说构造矢量法解初等代数问题

    Explaining with Examples the Structure of Vector to Solve Elementary Algebra Problems

  3. 群的思想在初等代数中的渗透群针术及其学术思想探讨

    Thoughts the permeation of the idea of group on school algebra

  4. 吴消元法的初等代数形式

    The algebra shape of Wu ′ s method of elimination

  5. 浅谈初等代数中的四个二次

    A Brief Account on Four Quadratics in Elementary Algebra

  6. 算术和初等代数中普通的数通称纯量。

    The ordinary numbers of arithmetic and elementary algebra are known as scalars .

  7. 数学分析对初等代数的指导作用

    The Instructive Affect of Mathematical Analysis on Elementary Algebra

  8. 他的同学们正在绞尽脑汁地演算初等代数题。

    His classmates were labouring with elementary algebra .

  9. 研究式教学:初等代数研究教学模式引探

    Exploration of Teaching Model on the Research Type

  10. 构造法在初等代数中的应用

    The Use of Structural Method in Elementary Algebra

  11. 本文利用矢量数性积的定义,性质定理,通过构造矢量方法,解决部分常见的典型的初等代数问题。

    This paper discusses the use of Vector to solve some of common and typical Elementary Algebra problems .

  12. 定理机器证明的研究已有将近50年的历史,并已经在数理逻辑、初等代数和几何学等学科取得显著成功。

    There has been a lot of success in the study of automated theorem proving during the past 50 years .

  13. 本文试图用群的思想考察初等代数中的部分内容。

    In this paper , we attempt to inspect partially the content of school algebra with the idea of group .

  14. 一阶的有限群是对本文研究的初等代数运算描述的数学模型的最高形式的抽象。

    A abstract algebra group composed of one element is the highest abstraction of the mathematical models researched in this paper .

  15. 本文给出了用初等代数方法证明费马大问题的思路和完整的过程。

    Abstract : Ideas to prove Fermat 's Last Theorem is introduced , and the theorem is completely proved using elementary algebra .

  16. 介绍代数学的分支与内容,包括代数学、初等代数、高等代数、抽象代数。

    This paper introduces the branches and content of algebra , including general algebra , elementary algebra , advanced algebra and abstract algebra .

  17. 用初等代数和三角方法,推导出后置式和前置式抽油机四连杆机构的两个基本计算公式及与其相应的两个推论公式。

    By means of elementary algebra and trigonometry , two basic formulas and two corresponding derived formulas for calculating the dimensions of the four-bar linkage are worked out for both rear-and front-mounted pumping units .

  18. 本文对高师院校教材《初等代数研究》中关于函数超越性研究的问题,提出改进的意见及相应的若干命题。

    With respect to some problems in the research on the transcendency of function in 《 Studies in Elementary Algebra 》, a textbook for normal colleges and universities , this paper proposes some ideas for improvement and some corresponding propositions .

  19. 初等abelian表代数几个等价条件

    Some Equivalent Conditions of Elementary Abelian Table Algebra

  20. 在此基础上,利用表代数同态基本定理,分别从合成列及表基的p阶、阶表子集的数目角度刻画了初等abelian表代数。

    As a further step , from the view of the number of composition series and table subset of order or elementary abelian table algebra is depicted by making use of fundamental theorem on homomorphism of table algebra .

  21. 论初等变换在高等代数中的应用

    Discuss the Application of Elementary Transformations on Higher Algebra

  22. 初等变换在线性代数中的应用

    An Application of Elementary Transformations in Linear Algebra

  23. 矩阵的初等变换是线性代数中应用十分广泛的重要工具。

    The elementary alternate of matrix is an important tool broadly used in linear algebra .

  24. 改进了求代数特征值与特征向量的传统方法,给出了一种用初等变换来求代数特征值与特征向量的方法。

    Improve the traditional method of solving algebraic eigenvalue and eigenvector , give a new method of solving algebraic eigenvalue and eigenvector with elementary transformation .

  25. 讨论了初等变换在高等代数许多理论中的应用,如在多项式理论、矩阵理论、线性方程组理论、向量空间、线性变换、二次型理论等方面的应用。

    In this paper , we discuss the application of elementary transformations on higher algebra , such as theory of polynomial theory of matrix , linear equation system , vector space , theory of quadric form , ect .

  26. 矩阵的初等变换是高等代数解题的一个主要工具,本文以许多具体的例子作说明,归纳了矩阵初等变换的九种主要应用。

    Elementary transformation of matries is a main way to solve the problems in advance algebra . In this paper , some concrete examples for explanation and used to induce nine kinds of main applications of elementary transformation of matries .