
  • 网络creative talents
  1. 好奇心(curiosity)作为内在动机的主要内容和创造性人才的重要特征早已成为心理学研究中十分引人注目的研究领域。

    Curiosity , as the main content of motivation and the key feature of the creative talents , has attracted many eyeball sights into its researching field .

  2. 研究生教育是以培养高层次创造性人才为目的的教育。

    The purpose of graduate education is cultivating high-level creative talents .

  3. 事实上,创造性人才和其它人一样都是凡胎俗子。

    In fact creative people are born just like everyone else .

  4. 创造性人才的动力系统分析与构建

    Analysis on the Dynamic System of Creative Talents and its Establishment

  5. 论创造性人才培养的若干措施

    Approach to the Countermeasures of Fostering the Creative Talent in China

  6. 以学生为主体培养创造性人才

    Taking students as the main concern , training creative personnel

  7. 从人格与创造力的关系看创造性人才的培养

    How to cultivate talent persons from the relationship between personality and creativity

  8. 浅论创造性人才与成人高校创新教育

    On Creative Personnel and the Innovation Education in Adult College

  9. 论高等建筑教育与创造性人才培养

    On the higher education of construction and cultivation of talent

  10. 略论教育观念的创新与创造性人才培养

    On Innovation of Educational Concepts and Training of Creative Talents

  11. 开展素质教育,培养创造性人才。

    Carrying out quality-oriented education to cultivate innovative medical talents ;

  12. 谈创造性人才培养与思想政治教育的有机结合

    The Organic Integration Of Innovative Talents Training And Mental & Political Education

  13. 创造性人才与幼儿教师素质的提高

    Creativity a talented person together with infant tutor quality raise

  14. 多元智能理论与高校创造性人才的培养

    The Enlightenment of Multiple Intelligence Theory in Training Higher Education Creative Talents

  15. 创造性人才的一个重要特征是创新思维。

    New thinking is one of the important features of creative personnel .

  16. 论艺术教育在培养创造性人才中的地位和作用

    The views on the functions of artistic education in training creative talents

  17. 创新人格是创造性人才形成的基础。

    Innovative personality is the basis to form creative talents .

  18. 爱因斯坦给我们的启示&兼谈创造性人才的培养

    The Revelation Einstein Gives Us : Discussion on Bringing Up Creative Talents

  19. 试论创造性人才的培养与道德素质教育

    On the Training of Creative Personnel and Moral Quality Education

  20. 继续抓好高层次创造性人才的吸引和培养工作。

    To attract and cultivate higher level talents continuously .

  21. 对高职教育创造性人才培养的思考

    Thinking of Creative Personnel Training in Higher Vocational Education

  22. 高校创造性人才培养与教育改革

    Cultivation of Creative Talents and Education Reform in College

  23. 教学方法创新与创造性人才培养&20世纪美国高等教育改革的启示

    Creation of Teaching Methods and Training of Creative Personnel

  24. 谨防走入培养创造性人才的误区&对开发右脑的反思

    Guarding Against the Mistake in Training Creative Personnel

  25. 实施通识教育,培养创造性人才

    Implementing General Education and Trainning Creative Talented Person

  26. 创造性人才的培养,除了智力因素外,更重要的是培养非智力因素。

    The cultivation of non-intelligence factors and new ideas on ways of childrens education ;

  27. 发展观念是创造性人才必须的世界观之一。

    The concept of development brings about pressing sensation and driving force of creativeness .

  28. 创造性人才培养的研究

    Research on Cultivation of Talent of High Creativeness

  29. 在科技进步与创新的21世纪,我国高等院校担负着培养创造性人才的重任。

    In 21 century universities and colleges are in charge of training creative talents .

  30. 加强智能训练,培养创造性人才

    Strengthening Intelligence Training and Cultivating Creative Talents