
  • 网络Venture Capital;HTVC;entrepreneurship capital
  1. 创业资本作为一种新型的融资制度,虽然总量占GDP的比重微不足道,但它在经济发展过程中却发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Venture capital is a new financial system and has played an important role in economic growth , even though the gross accounting for GDP is small .

  2. 创业资本是一种权益性投资。

    Venture capital is one kind of rights and interests investment .

  3. 回乡创业资本既包括物质资本又包括人力资本。

    It contains both the material capital and human capital .

  4. 第三部分研究新经济与创业资本的关系。

    Section Three surveys the relationship between New Economy and venture capital .

  5. 我国创业资本筹集的法律对策探讨

    The Discussion of Legal Suggestions of Fund-raising in Venture Capital in China

  6. 创业资本,一种新投资方式,还是新资本形态

    Venturecapital : A New Investment Mode or A New Capital

  7. 本论文首先详细分析了目前中国创业资本退出机制。

    The following is the current choice analysis of Chinese venture capital withdrawal .

  8. 政策性创业资本的发展对策。

    The development countermeasure of the policy venture capital .

  9. 创业资本的制度缺陷分析

    The Analysis on the Defects in Venture Capital System

  10. 创业资本是创业企业发展不可或缺的因素。

    The venture capital is the indispensable factor of developing the pioneering enterprise .

  11. 国外创业资本运行的制度路线考察

    The Review of Institutional Approach on Foreign Venture Capital

  12. 论创业资本的退出战略

    A Study on the Exit Strategy of Venture Capital

  13. 创业资本、金融创新与新经济

    Venture Capital , Financial Innovation and New Economy

  14. 制定和发布《创业资本投资高新技术产业项目指南》;

    Formulating and promulgating Guidelines for Investing Venture Capital in Hi-tech Industries and Projects ;

  15. 创业资本的撤出渠道依赖发达的金融市场。

    Third , the exit of venture capital heavily depends on financial market system .

  16. 试论创业资本与经济增长的关系

    Relation of Economic Growth with Venture Capital

  17. 商业银行代理国库业务中的问题及其对策我国创业资本发展中存在的问题及其对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of State Treasury Business by the Agency of the Commercial Banks

  18. 创业资本的分阶段融资激励与控制权分配&基于信息不对称的视角

    Incentive Capital in Staged Finance and The allocation Control rights & Review of Asymmetric Information

  19. 创业资本在不对称信息下博弈的委托代理分析

    An Analysis of Principal - Agent of Game under the Asymmetric Information in Venture Capital

  20. 简论我国创业资本投资的发展及有关法律问题

    On the Development of Venture Capital Investment and Some Questions of its Law in our Country

  21. 资本利得税对创业资本发展的影响主要表现为数量与质量两个方面。

    The capital gains tax influences both the quantity and the quality of venture capital investment .

  22. 只有创业资本能正常地从投资的项目中退出并获得高额利润,才能吸引更多的资本进入创业资本市场。

    The market will be larger only if the capital can exit from the investment projects .

  23. 创业资本是投向高成长性的创业企业的权益资本。

    Venture capital is equity capital , which is invested in start-up firms of high growth potentiality .

  24. 美国资本市场与共同基金互动关系的启示美德两国创业资本市场差异比较分析

    The Apocalypse from the Mutual Moving Relationship between the Capital Market and the Fund in the USA

  25. 本论文从宏观和微观的角度详细分析了目前中国创业资本退出机制。

    This paper describes the venture capital exit system from both macro and micro insights in China .

  26. 本论文还针对国内创业资本市场的种种不足,从两个方面提出了改进的建议。

    The paper also gives the advices on how to develop the Venture Capital market in China .

  27. 产权缺损与制度创新:创业资本研究的新视角

    The Property Rights Insufficiency and Institution Innovation : A New Angle of View to Venture Capital Study

  28. 创业资本中的融资工具选择与融资策略选择:国外研究综述

    An Overview of the Abroad Study on the Choice of Financing Tools and Tactics in Venture Capital

  29. 在上述意义上认识创业资本才能推动当前萧条的创投业的进一步发展。

    We can promote further development of pioneering investment based on the above understand of the original capital .

  30. 1997年至2000年,每年的创业资本总量增长70%以上,2000年以后由于受宏观经济的影响,增长趋势有所放缓,创业投资业进入调整阶段。

    From the year of 1997 to 2000 , the annual venture capital volume increased over 70 every year .