
  • 网络startup;start-ups;start-up company
  1. 这有助于他们选择合适的创业公司,也意味着他们可以提供建议、人脉以及资金。

    This helps them pick the right startups , and means they can supply advice and connections as well as money .

  2. 同时,班克斯还成立了一家下属泰拉•班克斯公司的投资公司FierceCapital,为创业公司融资。

    Meanwhile , her investment firm , fierce capital ( a subsidiary of the Tyra Banks company ) , is funding startups .

  3. 三年后,那个创业公司倒闭了。

    Three years later6 , the startup failed7 .

  4. 产业孵化器与研究和技术园区不同,旨在帮助创业公司和成立初期的公司。

    Business incubators differ from research and technology parks in their dedication1 to startup and early-stage companies .

  5. 在一个科技创业公司的面试上,我被问到:“你觉得你五年后会在哪里?”

    At an interview1 for a tech startup , I was2 asked , " where do you see yourself3 in five years ? "

  6. “孵化器”指的是为创业公司提供帮助的公司,比如提供办公场所和设备,安排投资,以及提供商业指导。

    Incubator is a company that helps a start-up business by providing office space and equipment , arranging financing , and offering business guidance .

  7. 对,这就是现在的职场,很多在北上广深创业公司打拼的年轻人,其实失败得血本无归。

    Yes , this is the current job market . Many young people who came to the first-tier cities ended up in devastating failures .

  8. 多刺海胆虫可以破坏海洋栖息地,但在澳大利亚,近期一个为环保创业公司举办的比赛证明了多刺海胆不是有害动物,而是美味佳肴。

    They can devastate8 marine habitats , but a recent competition for environmental start-ups in Australia , saw them not as a pest but a delicacy9 .

  9. 21岁的微软公司(Microsoft)技术高手查理•肯特辞去工作,致力于一家业务不明的创业公司。

    Charlie kindel , a 21-year-old Microsoft veteran is leaving the company to focus on an unspecified startup .

  10. 我在《创业公司开博指南》(howtoblogasastartup)的文章中对此有详细讨论。

    I talked about that in detail on this post about how to blog as a startup .

  11. Robert的第一个创业公司是一个名为OneCircle.cc的社交媒体公司,这家公司小有成就。

    Robert 's first start-up , a social-media company called OneCircle . cc , was a moderate success .

  12. 某教育创业公司CEO迪昂-利姆:利姆并未透露其最新创业公司的名称。

    Dion Lim , education startup CEO : Lim hasn 't revealed the name of his latest venture yet .

  13. 视频创业公司如何正在Youtube之外另辟新天地的。

    How online video startups are carving out a place beside YouTube .

  14. 它经常附有“估值上限”(valuationcap),防止一旦创业公司做大,早期投资人的股份被稀释。

    The notes often come with valuation caps to protect early investors from being diluted should a company hit it big .

  15. 结果已经很清晰,接下来10000家创业公司的商业计划很好预测:选择X,添加AI。

    The upshot is clear , The business plans of the next 10,000 start-ups are easy to forecast : Take X and add A.I.

  16. 社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(ElectronicArts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。

    Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp , who will serveat the social gaming startup as chief marketing and revenue officer .

  17. 创业公司基因组(StartupGenome)项目最近发布了一份关于互联网创业公司DNA的报告,简而言之,就是试图找出决定这些公司成败的特质。

    The Startup Genome project recently released a report on the DNA of internet start-ups , essentially trying to identify attributes that lead to success or failure .

  18. 升任CEO时,他被描述为一位多面手,将帮助这家蒸蒸日上的创业公司管理快速的发展。

    At the time of his ascent , he was portrayed as a utility player who would help the ballooning start-up manage its rapid growth .

  19. 我遇到了一些非常出色的人,我们一起做了好几家创业公司,包括我的第一家创业公司TrioDevelopment。这家软件公司已经被苹果公司(Apple)收购。

    I met some amazing people that I worked with on several startups , including my first startup , Trio Development , a software company that Apple ( AAPL ) acquired .

  20. 然而,曾经在开发互动式电视广告方面很有发展前途独木舟创业公司(CanoeVentures)却于上周宣布了停业的决定。

    Yet canoe ventures , one of the more promising attempts at developing ITV , shut its doors last week .

  21. 这篇研究文章的第一作者亚当·切克劳德是一名首席科学家,也是纽约精神健康创业公司SpringHealth的联合创始人,还是耶鲁大学精神病学的助理教授。

    Adam Chekroud , the senior author on the study , is a chief scientist and co-founder of Spring Health , a New York City-based mental-health startup , and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University .

  22. 对于创业公司来说,YC的经历大部分发生在星期四。

    For startups the YC experience revolves around Thursdays .

  23. 有报告称,硅谷各家创业公司正收到大批来自Zynga员工的求职简历。

    Reports suggest that valley startups are seeing a flood of resumes from Zynga employees .

  24. PaulGraham承认,YC合伙人用个人资金投资了一些创业公司,不过那只是在它们没有吸引到太多外部资金的情况下。

    Graham concedes that individual YC partners have invested in a few startups that hadn 't been able to attract much outside funding .

  25. 《财富》获悉,前摩根士丹利首席执行官麦晋桁(JohnMack)日前以100万美元个人资金投资于电子商务创业公司AHAlife.com。

    Former Morgan Stanley ( MS ) CEO John Mack has invested around $ 1 million of his own money into an e-commerce startup called ahalife .

  26. 曾在一家被Pinterest收购的创业公司里负责工程工作的山姆·梅德(SamMeder)同意与她一起创业。

    Sam Meder , who had run engineering at a start-up acquired by Pinterest , agreed to start it with her .

  27. 有家叫迪图(DittoLabs)的创业公司开发了一个搜索引擎,该搜索引擎专门用于检测商标或品牌的数字图像。

    One startup called Ditto Labs makes a search engine that specifically examines digital images for logos and brands .

  28. 利用大学同学的关系,他们也早早地向Facebook、Dropbox、Airbnb和Zappos等创业公司投了资。

    Leveraging college connections , they also invested early in Facebook , Dropbox , airbnb , and Zappos .

  29. Joyent可能不像Amazon或IBM那么有名气,但是作为为基于Web的创业公司提供云计算平台的提供商,它已经赢得了良好的声誉。

    Joyent might not be a household name like Amazon or IBM , but has quickly earned an impressive reputation as a cloud computing platform provider for Web-based start-ups .

  30. 负责运作软件创业公司加速器的三星开放创新中心(OpenInnovationCenter)的负责人大卫·尤恩(DavidEun)说:正在硅谷发生的事情对三星来说非常激动人心。

    ' The kind of things that happen in the Valley are really exciting to Samsung , ' said David Eun , the head of Samsung 's Open Innovation Center , which operates the software-startup accelerator .