
Liu said he never treats patients over the micro blog and never advertises particular health products .
One online writer going by the name " Da Xia " asked whether Liu was a kung fu master or a health official .
A previous post from Liu that eating pig 's feet can help people recover from cancer surgery earned him the nickname pig feet chief .
A previous post from Liu that eating pig 's feet can help people recover from cancer surgery earned him the nickname " pig feet chief . "
Liu has long been promoting knowledge about traditional health and folk remedies through his micro blog , though he was not a major in traditional Chinese medicine .
In response , Liu said that the term he used had nothing to do with kung fu , and that the term had been appropriated from traditional Chinese medicine by the writers of popular novels .
In a post on Sina Weibo , Liu Weizhong said that by correctly breathing and directing their body energy , known as qigong , the workers had - to use a martial arts phrase - " opened their governor and conception vessels . "