
  1. 基于可持续发展的刘家峡水电厂企业文化创新研究

    Research on the Corporate Culture Innovation of Liu Jia Xia Hydropower Station Based on Sustainable Development

  2. 刘家峡水电厂在西北电网中主要承担发电、调峰、调频和调压任务,是西北电网的骨干电站,在西北电力系统中处于十分重要的地位。

    As a backbone of the Northwest Power Network , Liujiaxia Hydropower Plant plays the roles of generate electricity , peak modulation , frequency modulation and voltage modulation .

  3. 通过采用成本领先战略,降本增效,提高企业整体素质,扩大市场生存空间,增强企业盈利能力,全面提升刘家峡水电厂企业竞争力。

    Through the use of cost-leadership strategy , reducing efficiency , and enhance their overall quality , and expand market living space , enhance the profitability of the business to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises .