
  1. 在刘凯的27名同班同学中,已有三人被研究生院录取。

    Of Liu's27 classmates , three have gotten into graduate schools .

  2. 刘凯说,我们对工资的期望值不高,只要能养活自己就可以了。

    ' We don 't have high salary expectations as long as we can make a living on our own , 'says Liu .

  3. 正如刘凯说的,我们村里有两个邻居很是让大家慕,因为他们的孩子在城市里日子过得不错。

    As Liu said : 'Two of our neighbors in my village are much envied because their children are doing very well in cities .

  4. 哈尔滨工业大学山东威海分校的应届毕业生刘凯(音)和于敏现在觉得,当初真不应该选择生物技术专业。

    Liu Kai and Yu Min , from Harbin Institute of Technology 's Weihai campus in Shandong Province , are starting to think that a major in biotechnology wasn 't the way to go .

  5. 对即将从哈尔滨工业大学山东威海分校毕业、正在北京找工作的刘凯(音)和于敏来说,他们觉得自尊感正在一点点地丧失。

    At the job fairs they do attend , most jobs are either too low-level , sometimes just requiring a high-school diploma , or too advanced , geared for applicants with years of working experience .

  6. 刘凯说,我不希望最后找到的是一个跟我的专业毫不相关的工作,毕竟我过去四年大学期间学习很刻苦。他现在仍希望能找到一个跟专业有关的工作。

    ' I don 't want to end up with a job that is totally irrelevant to what I have been studying so hard over the past four years in college , 'said Liu , who still hopes to find a job related to his major .