
  1. 在来学院之前,刘伟曾任中澳合资的JM贸易有限公司的物流经理。

    Prior to joining the College , David was a Senior Logistics Manager at Sino-Australia JM Trading Co. , LTD.

  2. 对此,全国政协委员、佳都科技CEO刘伟表示,随着国家对外开放程度越来越高,民营企业有能力应对额外竞争,而且很多国内企业将受惠于新法。

    But Liu Wei , who is a political advisor and the CEO of PCI Technology , said that private firms will be able to deal with the extra competition they 'll face as the country opens wider to the world , and that many of these domestic firms will the new law .

  3. 我的队长刘伟,你很特别,谢谢你是一个伟大的领袖!

    To my captain-Liu Wei , you are very special , thank you for being a great leader !

  4. 刘伟是当地一名媒体工作者,他说地面摇晃了一两分钟。

    " The ground shook for a couple of seconds ," said Liu Wei , a local media worker .

  5. 刘伟曾经是有手臂的,在他十岁的时候,一次意外事故中触摸到了高压电缆,失去了双臂。

    Liu once had arms . At the age of 10 he accidentally grabbed a high-voltage wire and lost his arms .

  6. 我收到许多支持我的信,都鼓励我要专注于自己的音乐,刘伟说。

    " I ` ve received a lot of letters of support , all encouraging me to focus on my music ," Liu said .

  7. 姚明的队友刘伟在自己的博克上说,宴会的一些节目是在中国的婚宴上常常出现的,用来“折磨”新婚夫妻。

    Teammate Liu Wei said in a posting on his blog that the dinner included games traditionally played at Chinese wedding banquets designed to embarrass the bride and groom .

  8. 东方卫视与刘伟达成了协议,他的表演将尽可能减至最少,因此他最近在国内不会有什么节目表演。

    Dragon TV and Liu Wei had reached an agreement that Liu 's performances would be limited so there might not be any concerts in China in the near future .

  9. 被拘捕的还有国家工商总局外商投资企业注册局副局长刘伟。

    Also detained is Liu Wei , a deputy director for foreign investment at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , an organization that monitors corporate day-to-day business operations .

  10. 年初,刘伟怀揣信心与希望再次来沈打工,孩子的学费和家庭的用度催他上路。

    At the beginning of the year , Liu Wei came to Shenyang with confidence for a job to earn some money for his son 's tuition and family daily expense .

  11. 热门选手来自“中国达人秀”电视节目,无臂钢琴演奏者刘伟赢得了这场比赛,他将会于明年一月在澳大利亚,意大利和法国表演。

    Popular contestants from the'China 's Got Talent'TV show , including armless piano player Liu Wei who won the competition , will perform in Austria , Italy and France from January next year .

  12. 张湘炳,隋静霞,李志纯,刘伟,杨新岳,刘顺生,黄怀勇.1996.额尔齐斯构造带构造演化与成矿系列。北京:科学出版社。

    Zhang xiangbing , Sui jingxia , Li zhichun , Liu wei , Yang xinyue , Liu Shunsheng and Huang huaiyong.1996.tectonic evolution and mineralization series in the Erqisi tectonic zone . beijing : science press .

  13. 政府支持的综合运输研究所研究人员刘伟,这个园区相对于沈阳的批发市场没有任何优势。刘伟参与了铁岭的物流中心规划。

    ' The park doesn 't have any advantages over Shenyang 's wholesale markets , ' said Liu Wei , a researcher at the government-backed Institute of Comprehensive Transportation , who worked on Tieling 's plans for a logistics center .