
  • Liu Li;Li Liu;Lily Liu;lily
  1. 刘丽我想找个当编辑的工作。

    I 'm trying to find a job as an editor .

  2. 我也很喜欢刘丽老师和高强老师。

    I like Ms Liu and Mr Gao too .

  3. 刘丽希望北京奥运会我们的成绩会更好。

    I hope we can have even more success at the Beijing Olympics .

  4. 图画是刘丽做的。

    The picture was made by Liu li .

  5. 我是来自中国的刘丽。

    I am Liu Li from china .

  6. 刘丽不止有一个妹妹。

    Liu Li has one sister .

  7. 咨询了好几家专门为待产孕妇服务的中介后,刘丽选择了其中一所声誉好的。

    After consulting quite a few agencies for expectant mothers , Liu Li chose a reputable one .

  8. 天津大学大一新生刘丽(音译)选修了一门中日韩茶文化研究课。

    TIANJIN University freshman Liu Li showed up for her elective class on tea culture in China , Japan and South Korea expecting to sit at a desk and stare at a blackboard .