
  • 网络train withdrawn from schedule
  1. 郑州东站160余趟列车停运,造成大量旅客滞留。严重内涝导致郑州路面交通基本瘫痪。

    More than 160 trains stopped services at Zhengzhoudong Railway Station , stranding a large number of passengers .

  2. 京晶:超过1000多个航班和列车停运。

    More than 1000 flights and train services have been cancelled .

  3. 列车停运了很长一段时间,但是没有人告知我们发生什么事。

    The train stopped moving for a long time , but we were not informed about what happened .

  4. 旅客收到提醒不要前往火车站,因为列车停运无法登车。

    Passengers were told not to come to the railway station as there would be no train to board .

  5. 各车站加强客运组织,将列车停运和变点情况提前向旅客公布,同时做好售票和旅客乘降组织工作。

    Stations will step up organization of transport and inform unexpected suspension and change of trains to passengers , arranging ordered ticket sales .

  6. 7月25日19时起,进出上海高铁列车全部停运。

    All high-speed trains bound for Shanghai from all directions had been suspended beginning at 7 pm on Sunday .

  7. 既然列车都已经停运,人们显然应该呆在家里。

    ' Since the trains aren 't running , obviously people should stay home .