
xíng jǐng
  • criminal police
刑警 [xíng jǐng]
  • [police] 刑事警察的简称

刑警[xíng jǐng]
  1. 经刑警本人正确合理的填写调查问卷,通过描述性分析以及将刑警的健康状况和可能的相关因素建立Logistic回归模型,探索找出影响刑警健康状况的因素。

    After the criminal police reasonably filled in the inquisition questionnaire , The factors that affect the health status of criminal police were established through describe analysis and the Logistic back to return model .

  2. 国际刑警组织犯罪分析方法之应用

    Application of Methods of Crime Analysis of International Criminal Police Organization

  3. 侦探们联合国际刑警与尼日利亚警方开展了一项行动。

    Detectives launched an operation involving Interpol and Nigerian police .

  4. 它是由国际刑警组织协调,在IMPACT的组织下执行的。

    It was coordinated by Interpol and carried out under the umbrella of IMPACT .

  5. 本文主要介绍国际刑警组织在DNA技术方面开展的工作及推荐的一些指导原则。

    Guidelines recommended by Interpol in DNA technique are introduced in this paper .

  6. 后来,她通过自己的心理医生联系到了国际刑警组织,做了DNA测试去认了自己的身份。

    She then contacted Interpol through her psychologist and DNA tests confirmed who she truly was .

  7. 国际刑警组织还定期召开国际DNA用户大会,开展地区性DNA技术培训,以促进DNA技术的普及、应用和发展。

    International DNA users'conference and regional DNA training is also organized under the umbrella of the Interpol DNA unit .

  8. 国际刑警组织为了对各成员国的DNA检验工作提供技术支持,促进DNA技术的广泛应用,设立了DNA组。

    DNA unit of Interpol provides technical support to enhance member states'DNA capacity and promote widespread use in the international law enforcement environment .

  9. PR,自1982年起就占据了国际刑警通缉名单榜首。

    Peter Ricoletti , NO. 1 on Interpol 's most wanted list since 1982 .

  10. 这样的话,德国警方也能将Ray的DNA、指纹和牙科记录递交给国际刑警,希望在儿童失踪人口记录中核对男孩的信息。

    DNA , fingerprint and dental records can also then be handed over to Interpol so that his records can be checked against those of missing children .

  11. PSI与世界卫生组织以及国际刑警组织合作,交换关于制假的信息。

    PSI works with the WHO and Interpol to exchange information on counterfeiting operations .

  12. 但是,据国际刑警组织官员AlinePlançon说,世界各地都有假冒药品案件。

    But , according to Interpol officer Aline Plan ç on , there are counterfeit medicine cases in every part of the world .

  13. 曾为国际刑警组织(Interpol)及美国政府从事网络安全工作的马克•古德曼(MarcGoodman)表示,执法机构早就与设备和软件制造商展开了“军备竞赛”,以突破它们的安全防线。

    Marc Goodman , who has worked on cyber security for Interpol and the US government , says law enforcement agencies had long been in an " arms race " with device and software manufacturers to break their security .

  14. 欧洲刑警组织(Europol)昨日表示,迄今已有150个国家的20万台电脑在第一波网络攻击中受到感染。“最近这起袭击达到前所未有的水平,将需要展开一场复杂的国际调查来找出幕后黑手,”该组织补充称。

    So far , 200000 computers across 150 countries are known to have been infected in the first wave of the cyber attack , Europol said yesterday . " The recent attack is at an unprecedented level and will require a complex international investigation to identify the culprits , " Europe 's police agency added .

  15. 结果刑警心理问题检出率为25.4%。

    Results 25.4 % of criminal policemen had mental health problems .

  16. 1982年以来国际刑警组织通缉名单首位

    Number one on Interpol 's most wanted list since 1982 .

  17. 国际刑警处刚刚登记了一架从布尔热起飞的飞机。

    Lnterpol just registered a new flight plan from Le bourget .

  18. 刑警和巡警紧张程度分析

    Analysis of the strain degree of patrolmen and criminal policemen

  19. 职业紧张对巡警和刑警心理健康的影响

    Effect of Occupational Stress on Mental Health of Patrolmen and Criminal Policemen

  20. 留下您的脚印。让我当刑警。去追踪你的下落。

    Please leave your lovely messenges , let me follow you steps .

  21. 他们提醒国际刑警组织,罪犯可能是男扮女装或假扮成女人。

    They warn Interpol that the criminal may be disguised as women .

  22. 我刚和一个国际刑警讲了两个小时电话

    I just spent two hours with an Interpol agent .

  23. 国际刑警将会监视市场,就没有人可以兑现了。

    Interpol will be watching , and no one will cash them .

  24. 刑警队在着手一起大案。

    The criminal police are working on a major case .

  25. 自从国际刑警拿下了曾经的普斯科夫黑手党后,他们就长进了。

    After Interpol took down the old Pruszkow Mafia , they got smarter .

  26. 那个国际刑警盯上了你。

    That Interpol dective Jang is on to you .

  27. 刑警素质及其教育培训改革思路

    On the Quality of Criminal Policemen the Thinking of Education and Training reform

  28. 比如大使馆的或者国际刑警-国际刑警?

    Like the Embassy , or Interpol . - Interpol ? < scoffs >

  29. 你那戴徽章的尤物说过,他们正和国际刑警组织合作

    Your crush object with a badge said they were working with Interpol .

  30. 我会利用我在国际刑警的关系。

    I 'll run him by my Interpol contacts .