- tangent bundle

In this paper , we give an explicit representation of the Sasaki metric on a vector bundle . In particular , we get Sasaki metric on unit tangent bundle T_1S ~ ( 2n + 1 ), by which we calculate the volume of the Hopf vector field V_h .
Observe connection of tangent bundle through the Differentiable of vector function
With a Sasaki metric defined by Hopf vector field , we show that the Hopf vector field has minimum volume on S2n + 1 for all n.
In section 4 , the representations which are about local coordinate of the differential dynamic systems on principal bundle and tangent bundle are discussed .
In this paper , the existence of a global tangent frame on every oriented and connected smooth 3-manifold will be used to develop a global frame method in 3-dimensional geometry and topology .
By using the nature induced Poisson structure on the dual bundle of lie algebroids , we construct two different symplectic groupoids structures on the same cotangent bundle , and extend properties of the symplectic groupoids .
ON THE BUNDLES OF ORIENTED m-PLANES OF A RIEMANN SPACE . Principal Fibre Bundle and Motion of Rigid Body