
  • 网络channel design;distribution channel design;distribution channel disign
  1. 基于销售流程的分销渠道设计研究

    Study on Distribution Channel Design on the Basis of Marketing Flow

  2. 论债转股后股权的市场化流动其次,分析了分销渠道设计的影响因素及渠道流程的专业化与分离运作,为本文的渠道设计框架奠定了基础。

    Then the paper mainly discusses the distribution channel design theory based on the marketing flow .

  3. 中国网通无限伴旅(MobileOffice)产品分销渠道设计

    Paper Digest of the Designing for China Netcom MOBILE OFFICE Service Distribution Channel

  4. 高科技企业分销渠道设计的主要考虑因素

    The Main Considerable Factors of Designing the Distribution Channels for High-Tech Companies

  5. 基于博弈论的制造商分销渠道设计研究

    Research on the Design of Marketing Channels for Manufactory from the Game Theory

  6. 分销渠道设计。

    The planning of distribution channels .

  7. 然后运用渠道设计理论,分析了社会分销渠道设计的各种影响因素,并提出中国电信社会渠道的体系框架和基本运作模式。

    Then using channel design theory , I analysed the influencing factors of distribution channel structure , and put forward a framework of CT 's distribution channel system and its rough operational mode .

  8. 建筑涂料分销渠道的设计与管理

    Design and administration of the sales channels for architectural coating

  9. 试论分销渠道的设计

    Discussion on the Design of Sales Branch Channel

  10. 试论分销渠道的设计论销售渠道的创新

    Discussion on the Design of Sales Branch Channel Research on the Innovation of Distributing Channel

  11. 同时,也期望通过本文的实践研究能填补营销理论在分销渠道战略设计和管理方面研究的不足。

    Hopefully , this thesis will contribute a little to making up the theoretical shortage of distribution channel strategy design by practical research .

  12. 一汽集团分销渠道整合方案设计

    The Design of the Integration Distribution Channel of FAW Group

  13. 正文结束部分给出渠道关系发展方案及大金分销渠道的重新设计方案。

    The plan of channel relation development and redesign of channel scheme is presented in the end of the text .

  14. 面对快速变化的市场和愈演愈烈的竞争,国内外许多企业打破了传统观念,纷纷从战略高度,以新的理念,新的手段和新的技术装备强化了分销渠道的系统设计与管理。

    Meanwhile , facing the rapid changing marketing and the fierce competition , many corporations broke the traditional notion and enhanced the system planning and management of distribution channels by adopting new concepts , new means and new technology .

  15. 提出了渠道成员的选择原则、标准和方法,给出了不同中间分销商的选择建议:接着对公司分销渠道成员管理进行设计。

    The selection principle , standard and method of the charnel members and the proposal of different distributor are given .

  16. 本论文所研究的是分销渠道中的节税设计,目的在于对分销渠道的不同组织形式、不同销售行为进行涉税分析,找出筹划点,作出节税设计。

    What is studied in the thesis is the design about saving tax in the selling channel , which aims at analysis on tax , finding out planning point and designing on saving tax on base of the different organizing forms of the selling channel and the various selling behavior .

  17. 基本思路:先进行分销渠道节税空间分析,再进行分销渠道的节税设计,最后分析节税设计的风险与防范。

    Fundamental Thread : the space analysis on selling-channel-saving-tax will be first on and then the saving tax design of the selling channel and at last is the design on its risk and guidance .

  18. 研究的目的在于,探讨我国汽车工业分销渠道的合理性以及在总结欧美国家汽车分销渠道的模式基础上,提出我国汽车工业分销渠道的设计管理原则和一些对策。

    The aims are that inquiring the rationality of distribution channel of the car industry in our country and putting forward the design and management principle based on distribution mode of car industry in Euro-American .