
fēn biàn lì
  • Resolution;resolving power
  1. 本文介绍了感光胶片与CCD静态分辨力的一种简单比较方法。

    Paper presents a simple method for comparing the static resolving power of photographic film and CCD .

  2. 雷达的距离分辨力取决于信号带宽。

    The distance resolving power of radar is rest with the bandwidth of radar signal .

  3. CT图像空间分辨力的实用检测方法

    Practical Testing Method for Testing the Spatial Resolution of CT Images

  4. 目的:利用统计学方法测量CT低对比度分辨力。

    AIM : To measure low contrast resolution with statistical method .

  5. CT低对比度分辨力性能检测体模分析

    Analysis on the phantom for CT low - contrast resolution

  6. 重叠重建对螺旋CT纵向分辨力的影响分析

    The effect of overlapping slice reconstruction on the longitudinal resolution in helical CT imaging

  7. CT的空间分辨力测量技术及测试体模研究

    High-contrast resolution measurement of CT and phantom testing

  8. 利用步进频结合调频子脉冲信号体制,可以实现雷达的距离分辨力的N倍细化。

    By using frequency modulated radar signal , high range resolution can be implemented .

  9. 用于成像侦察的CCD探测器成像分辨力的探讨

    Study of the CCD sensor imaging resolution of the imaging reconnaissance

  10. 应用多项式插值函数提高面阵CCD尺寸测量的分辨力

    Improving Resolution of CCD Camera in Dimensional Measurement by Polynominal Interpolation

  11. 利用频谱合成实现分布式卫星SAR高距离分辨力成像

    Distributed Satellites SAR High Range Resolution Imaging Using Spectral Synthesis

  12. 感光胶片与CCD的静态分辨力比较

    Comparison of Static Resolving Power of CCD and Photographic Film

  13. CCD交汇系统靶面分辨力的计算机仿真研究

    Computer simulation for resolution in the CCD intersecting target plane

  14. 应用概率论提高CCD尺寸测量的分辨力

    A Method of Improving Resolution in Dimensional Measurement Using CCD

  15. 分布式卫星SAR系统的方位分辨力特性

    Characteristics of Azimuth Resolution of Distributed Space-borne SAR System

  16. 提高CCD分辨力算法研究

    Study of Algorithms for Improvement of CCD Imaging Resolution

  17. 提高CCD尺寸测量分辨力的解调测量法

    The Demodulation Method of Dimensional Measurement Using CCD Sensor

  18. 提出了一种提高CCD成像分辨力的反演解析法。

    An inversion analysis method for improvement of CCD imaging resolution is proposed .

  19. MRI设备中低对比度分辨力的检测

    Measure Low Contrast Resolution For MRI

  20. 因此从理论上来说,3D井地磁测联合反演的分辨力要比单一资料反演的分辨力高。

    Therefore , in theory , resolution of 3D surface and borehole joint inversion is much better than a single data inversion .

  21. 利用局域子空间投影提高子空间类DOA估计算法的谱分辨力

    Improving Spectral Resolution of Subspace-Based DOA Estimation Algorithms by Localized Subspace Projection

  22. 目的采用主观法和客观法测试CT机的空间分辨力,探讨与空间分辨力相关的各项参数。

    The authors adopted subjective and objective methods for measuring high-contrast resolution ( HCR ) of CT and explored the parameters in relation to HCR .

  23. 全面地理解CT低对比分辨力及影响因素,对于正确评价、比较CT设备的性能十分重要。

    It 's very important for us to understand CT low-contrast resolution and its influencing factors for the correct evaluation of the performance of CT scanner .

  24. 一般的量子光刻法可以获得N倍于经典光刻方法的分辨力。

    It is also pointed out here that the resolution obtained in general quantum lithographic methods is only N times larger than that achieved in classical lithography .

  25. 由于使用的X射线的波长使软性X射线显微镜永远比不上电子显微镜可能具有的最高分辨力。

    Because of the wavelength of the x rays used , soft x ray microscopes will never match the highest resolution possible with electron microscopes .

  26. ARMA谱的理论频率分辨力

    The Theoretical Frequency Resolving Power of ARMA Spectrum

  27. 本文给出按LMS准则设计的自适应系统达到稳态时,系统指向性的一般表达式.作为信号和干扰之间的广义夹角的函数,提出计算主瓣宽度、干扰方向零点深度和极限分辨力的方法。

    The general representation of steady state directivity of adaptive system designed under the LMS criteria is given .

  28. 结论:降低CT灌注扫描的时间分辨力可以在不影响临床诊断的情况下扩大灌注扫描范围。

    Conclusion : We can enlarge the scan extent of the CT perfusion examination at the cost of the temporal resolution without decreasing the clinical diagnostic capability of CT perfusion scan .

  29. MRI空间分辨力及组织分辨力高,适用于前二者检查难以定性的病变及乳腺癌的术前评估。

    MRI has high spatial resolution and tissue resolution , which can be used for lesions difficult for the former examinations and for pre-operation estimation of breast cancer .

  30. 在正侧视模式下,以不同视角对同一地域进行观测可获得多组回波数据,通过对多组回波数据的综合处理可提高SAR的距离向分辨力。

    Different data sets relative to the same scene acquired with different view angles can be exploited to improve slant-range resolution of SAR in broadside mode .