
fēn lí jì shù
  • Separation technology;isolation technique
  1. [结论]该研究显示,我们的细胞分离技术能快速分离培养出毛囊外根鞘细胞,并且这些细胞含有bulge干细胞。

    In the new dermal layer , the matrix decreased 4 weeks after transplantation . [ Conclusion ] This study gives evidence that our isolation technique allows isolating and culturing of outer root sheath cells , which contain some bulge stem cells .

  2. 旋流板分离技术在水泥除尘中的应用研究

    The Application Analysis of Spiral-flow Board Isolation Technique in Cement Dust Collection

  3. 采用固体发和酵母分离技术提高酒的品质

    High solid ferments and yeast lees contract to highlight textural qualities .

  4. 采用一种新的泡沫分离技术处理NOx废气。

    A new foaming separation technique is used to treat waste gases NO_x .

  5. 基于2D自适应补偿原理的压电自感知执行器振动信号分离技术

    Vibration Signal Separation of Piezoelectric Self-sensing Actuators Based on Two-dimensional Adaptive Compensating Principle

  6. 综述了青霉素V(苯氧甲基青霉素)的理化分析方法、提取分离技术及其应用。

    Physicochemical analysis methods , separation technology and application about phenoxymethylpenicillin ( penicillin V ) are reviewed .

  7. 国外FCC反应油气与催化剂分离技术的进步

    Development on Seperation Technology of Oil and Gas and Catalyst in FCC Reaction Abroad

  8. 机卡分离技术在DVB条件接入系统中的应用

    The Application of Separation between Host and Card in DVB Conditional Access System

  9. FCCU吸收稳定系统分离技术的改进

    Improvement of Separation Technique for FCCU Absorption - stabilization System

  10. MBR(Membranebioreactor)工艺是将生物处理与膜分离技术相结合而成的一种高效污水处理新工艺。

    MBR ( Membrane Bioreactor ) is a high-efficiency new sewage treatment technology which combines the biological treatment with the membrane separation technique .

  11. 全二维气相色谱(GC×GC)是近年发展起来的一种高分辨率、高灵敏度的分离技术。

    Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography ( GC × GC ) is a new separation technology with high resolution and sensitivity developed in recent years .

  12. 应用膜分离技术回收VCM精馏尾气

    Recovering VCM refining tail gases by membrane separation technique

  13. 肝细胞分离技术的逐渐成熟,使肝细胞移植(hepatocytetransplantation,HCT)成为可能。

    With the development in isolation of hepatocyte , it became possible to put hepatocyte transplantation ( HCT ) in practice .

  14. 硅橡胶(PDMS)是通用高分子中最早应用于氧氮分离技术的材料。

    Silicone rubber ( PDMS ) is used as a membrane material for gas separation .

  15. 固相微萃取(SPME)是在固相萃取(SPE)的基础上发展起来的新型萃取分离技术。

    Solid-phase micro extraction ( SPME ) is a new extraction technology based on SPE .

  16. 船载ADCP资料的潮流分离技术

    Techniques for Tidal Currents Separation From Ship-Mounted ADCP Data

  17. 用离子交换树脂静态吸附和溶剂萃取相结合的分离技术,结合塞曼GFAAS测定方法,分析了砷的四种形态化合物:As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、MMA和DMA。

    A rapid method of static resin separation , solvent extraction and GFAAS determination has been developed for arsenic speciation .

  18. 采用SHS重力分离技术制备陶瓷内衬复合管,通过改变主燃烧配系组元Ni的含量,研究分析了金属Ni对陶瓷内衬复合管制备的燃烧特性及机械性能的影响。

    On the basis of using gravitational separation SHS process to produce ceramic-lined composite pipes , the influence of Ni content on combustion characteristics and mechanical properties is investigated .

  19. 氟两相催化体系(FBC)是一种新型均相催化剂固定化(多相化)和相分离技术。

    The FBC ( fluorous biphase catalysis ) is a new nonaqueous immobilization and phase-separation tech-nique .

  20. 一种是采用信噪分离技术对第二类AANC系统进行改进。

    One is to cascade the second type AANC with signal-noise separation system .

  21. 通过高效液相色谱分离技术获得了纯度高于99.9%的MDPES,并用FTIR,cNMR,HNMR,MS和元素分析进行131了表征。

    The purity of sepa - rated MDPES is higher than 99.9 % and was characterized by means of FTIR , C NMR , H NMR , MS and 13 1 elemental analysis .

  22. 介绍了数字电视广播条件接收系统的基本原理,以及机卡分离技术在DVB机顶盒中的应用。

    This paper introduces the basic theory of DVB conditional access system and how does the technology of the separation between host and card application in DVB set-top-box .

  23. 提出空间声场分离技术,突破了近场声全息(NAH)的应用局限。

    Sound field separation technique has been proposed , which overcomes the limitation on applications of near_ field acoustic holography ( NAH ) .

  24. 2DE(二维聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳)技术是蛋白质组学研究中的主要分离技术,其分别以蛋白质的等电点和分子质量这两个独立的参数为基础,实现蛋白质混合物的分离。

    Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is the key separation technique in proteomics research , which is designed by protein character : molecular weight and PI .

  25. 面向方面编程(AOP)是一种新兴的编程技术,其关注点分离技术能较好地支持系统非功能属性(方面)的非侵入式演化。

    Aspect-Oriented Programming ( AOP ) is a novel programming technique which has the skill called separation of concerns which can well support the non-intrusive evolution of the non-funtional properties in the software system .

  26. 本实验运用受体放射自显影术观察神经毒素甲基-苯基-四氢吡啶(MPTP)在大鼠脑内的分布,并运用亚细胞成份分离技术研究MPTP在小鼠脑亚细胞成分中的分布。

    The distribution of methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridine ( MPTP ), a neurotoxin , in rat brain and organellae of mouse brain was studied by receptor autoradiography and subcellular fractionation respectively .

  27. 豚鼠耳蜗单离Hensen细胞的分离技术及其钾通道

    Isolation of Hensen Cells From the Guinea-Pig Cochlea and the Properties of Potassium Currents in Isolating Hensen Cells

  28. 随着重组DNA和多肽合成技术的发展,更加之分析分离技术的提高,越来越多的蛋白质和多肽,象酶、活性因子、抑制因子、多克隆与单克隆抗体、疫苗,被作为药物应用于临床。

    With the development of recombinant DNA and peptide synthesize technology , and advantage in analytical separation technology , more and more proteins and peptides , such as enzyme , activators and inhibitors , poly - and monoclonal antibodies , and various vaccines , are used as pharmaceuticals in clinic .

  29. 本文提出的声场分离技术利用波场的外推理论,建立起在波数域声场分离的公式,然后通过二维Fourier逆变换,便得到了全息面一侧声源产生的声压,从而达到声场分离的目的。

    The technique builds the sound field separation formula in wave number domain according to the wave field extrapolation theorem , and the sound pressure caused by sources on one side of holographic plane can be obtained as expected by taking two-dimensional Fourier transform of the formula .

  30. 随着变压吸附(PSA)氮氧分离技术应用的推广,市场上对氮气吸附容量高、氮氧分离系数大的优良分子筛吸附剂的需求日益增加。

    As the Pressure Swing Adsorption ( PSA ) technology is more widely applied to nitrogen and oxygen separation , the demand of fine molecular sieve adsorbent with high adsorption capacity for nitrogen and large nitrogen / oxygen separation coefficient increase day by day .