
  • 网络analytical mechanics
  1. 分析力学中的高阶Nielsen算子和高阶Euler算子

    Nielsen 's and Euler 's Operators of Higher Order in Analytical Mechanics

  2. 分析力学中的Nielsen算子和Euler算子

    Nielsen 's operator and euler 's operator in analytical mechanics

  3. Kirchhoff弹性杆动力学建模的分析力学方法

    Methods of analytical mechanics for dynamics of the Kirchhoff elastic rod

  4. 变质量高阶非完整系统分析力学中的Nielsen算子和Euler算子

    Higher order nielsen 's operator and euler 's operator in analytical mechanics of variable mass non-holonomic systems

  5. 这个扩充系统可表为Hamilton形式,而其积分可用分析力学的方法来得到。

    The extended system can be written in the Hamilton from and its integrals can be obtained by analytical mechanics method .

  6. 然后,应用分析力学中的第二类拉格朗日方程(Lagrange),建立抓斗驱动系统的动态数学模型。

    Then , this thesis establish kinetic and dynamic model of grab bucket driving system by through Second Lagrange equations in analytic mechanics .

  7. 通过合理模拟回转窑托轮的边界条件和受力状况,并采用功能强大的ANSYS软件,建立了回转窑托轮的有限元分析力学模型。

    Using the powerful software ANSYS , the boundary condition and mechanical conditions of supporter was simulated , and a finite element analyzing mechanical model for supporter of rotary kiln was set up .

  8. 其次,研究Chaplygin方程与Appell方程的等价性问题;最后讨论了相对论分析力学与经典分析力学之间的关系。

    Then the equivalent problem of the Chaplygin 's equation to the Appell 's equation and the relative relations between rotational relativistic analytical mechanics and the classical analytical mechanics is discussed .

  9. 阻尼落体运动的分析力学研究

    Study of the damped motions of falling body in analytical mechanics

  10. 超细长弹性杆的分析力学问题

    On Analytical Mechanics for a super - thin elastic rod

  11. 完整系统冲击运动的分析力学解法

    Solving Process of Analytical Mechanics for Impulsive Motion of a Holonomic System

  12. 分析力学在相对论中的应用

    The application of analytical mechanics in the theory of relativity

  13. 力学的变分原理是分析力学领域中最普遍、高度概括的原理。

    Variation principles are general principles of analytical mechanics .

  14. 分析力学和量子力学的泊松括号

    Poisson 's bracket in analytical mechanics and quantum mechanics

  15. 胶带输送机系统动态分析力学模型

    Mechanical model for dynamic analysis of a belt conveyor

  16. 矢量力学与分析力学的解法比较

    Comparison of solution in vector mechanics and analytical mechanics

  17. 分析力学基本微分原理在刚体系统动力学中的应用

    Application of the Basic Differential Theory of Analysis Mechanics in Rigid System Dynamics

  18. 隧洞衬砌静力分析力学模型的研究

    Study on the structural mechanical model for tunnel lining

  19. 用分析力学的方法研究平衡态热力学。

    Analytical thermodynamics provides a study of thermodynamics through the methods of analytical mechanics .

  20. 含阻尼非保守分析力学的拟变分原理

    Quasi-Variational Principles on Non-Conservative Analytical Mechanics with Damping

  21. 分析力学方法对两方面可通用。

    Therefore , the method of analytical mechanics can be applied to both sides .

  22. 力学理论的进一步完善&分析力学

    Analytical Mechanics : Mechanical Theory Further Perfected

  23. 理论力学中的牛顿力学与分析力学方法之浅析

    Elementary Analysis on the Method of Newton 's Mechanics and Analytical Mechanics in Theoretical Mechanics

  24. 分析力学中的短程线理论

    From the analysis to the behavior of problems embodied in GEODESIC THEORY IN ANALYTIC MECHANICS

  25. 分析力学中的独立变量

    Independent variables in the analytical mechanics

  26. 分析力学的理论和方法是研究和学习量子力学、相对论力学的基础。

    The theory and method is the basis of researching and studying quantum mechanics and relativistic mechanics .

  27. 并行ENN-FEM分析力学参数对洞室群稳定性的影响

    Analysis of effects of mechanical parameters on stability of cavern group using parallel evolutionary neural network FEM

  28. 分析力学中正则方程的简化

    Reduction of canonical equations

  29. 分析力学中低维力学系统的能量方程因其具有明晰的物理意义而得到了广泛的应用。

    The energy equation of low dimension mechanics system in analytic mechanics has clear physical meanings and is therefore used widely .

  30. 教学实践证明,此方法是一种攻克分析力学教学难点的行之有效的方法。

    This method is proved to be an effective way of attacking the difficult points in the teaching of analytic mechanics .