
  • 网络Analysis & Judgment Ability
  1. 结果:两组学生考试成绩的差别没有显著性差异(P>0.05),但PBL教学法班的学生查阅文献能力及综合分析判断能力明显提高。

    Results : The exam score was of no significant difference between two classes ( P > 0.05 ) . The ability of consulting reference and problem-solving skills significantly increased in students of PBL class .

  2. 我们要求子女要完全发展其分析判断能力,这样他们才不会被这个社会所吞没。

    We want their analytical skills to reach full development so that they cannot be exploited by this society .

  3. 数学审题策略的培养有助于提高学生的分析判断能力和提出问题、解决问题的能力。

    This paper discusses the strategies of observing problems in terms of training and form the formal mathematics language sp that students can reach a higher level of thinking of problems .

  4. 它是多种能力的综合,具体表现为分析判断能力、预测能力、调整认知角度的能力等。

    It can be divided in-to several aspects , for example , the analyzing and judging ability , the predictive ability and the ability of adjust-ing our perspective to fresh things , etc.

  5. 毕达哥拉斯对西方知识理性的奠基作用裁判者的认识能力是经验、法律素养、洞察力、分析判断能力等因素综合积累的结果,它决定裁判者认知理性的高低。

    Pythagras & Founder of Western Cognitive Rationality The degree of the judicators ' cognitive rationally relies on Some factors including working experience , legal accomplishments , discernment , and judging capability , so the judicators ' cognitive rationality may expose irrational cognition and defective cognitive ability .

  6. 电子商务是21世纪商务发展的必然趋势,电子商务系统是实现电子商务的核心软件,提高电子商务系统对数据的自动处理能力及分析判断能力是电子商务对核心软件提出的内在要求。

    E-Commerce is the inevitable trend that 21 centuries business affairs develops , Electron business system is to realize E-Commerce core software , improving E - Commerce system to that data automation treatment ability and analyzing a judgment is that E-Commerce demands to inherence brought forward by core software .

  7. 一个基于Web的智能应用程序具有分析判断的能力,它可以根据所得到的数据推断出更多关于某个服务或某个特定用户的信息。

    An intelligent Web-based application can analyze and reason using its data to infer more information about a specific service or a specific user .

  8. 有良好的分析和判断能力;

    Has approachable personality , and strong language ability .

  9. 软件的设计将提高运行人员对机组故障分析判断的能力,也为厂站实现分布式应用和故障信息联网创造了良好条件。

    The application of this software will improve the running personnel 's ability of fault analysis and estimation , and also make good condition for the realization of distributed application and fault information networking .

  10. 核心后卫队员应该技术全面,具有很强的控制球、支配球能力,具有良好的战术意识和沉着、冷静、机智的头脑,以及敏锐的观察、分析、判断能力与组织指挥全队攻守的能力。

    An excellent core backcourt must have all-around skills : great ball playing skill , good tactical awareness , calm and wise mind , marvelous ability to observe , analyze and judge , and headship to organize offense and defense .

  11. 并扩充我们的智力容量。不断的学习提供我们用之不尽的燃料,来驱使我们磨砺我们的推理、分析和判断的能力。

    Haustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning , analysis , and judgment .

  12. 不断的学习提供我们用之不尽的燃料,来驱使我们磨砺我们的推理、分析和判断的能力。

    Constant learning supplies us with fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning , analysis , and judgment .

  13. 不断的学习提供我们用不尽的燃料,来驱使我们磨利我们的推理、分析和判断的能力。

    Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning , analysis , and judgment .

  14. 叶绿素荧光参数可以直观反应出光系统的状态,可作为分析判断叶片光合能力的辅助手段。

    Chlorophyll fluorescence is a useful tool to analyse the station of photosystem II as a assistant method .

  15. 篮球意识的好坏取决于运动员对球场复杂情况的观察、分析、判断、思维能力的高低。

    The basketball sense depends on player 's observation , analysis , judgment and thinking abilities to complicated situation of basketball court .

  16. 案例培训法将现实中的问题作为案例,通过组织参训校长的分析讨论以提高其分析能力、判断能力、解决问题以及执行学校政务的能力。

    Case-training method , taking realistic problems as a case , is intended for the improvement of the abilities of analysis , judgment , problem-solving and administration of the headmasters by analyzing and discussing .