
  • 网络Fractional Quantum Hall Effect;FQHE;fractional quantum Hall effect, FQHE
  1. 特别详细地讨论了任意子理论在分数量子霍尔效应和高温超导电现象中的应用。

    Also the elementary theory and the application of anyon in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and High Temperature Superconductivity are discussed in detail .

  2. 分数量子霍尔效应&1998年诺贝尔物理学奖介绍

    Fractional quantum Hall effect and the ′ 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics

  3. 20世纪80年代初整数和分数量子霍尔效应的发现开创了凝聚态物理学中一个全新的研究领域。

    The discoveries of the integer and fractional quantum hall effects opened a new research field in condensed matter physics .