- 名Molecular fossil;elementary fossil

An approach to the web-based information system of molecular fossils
Biomarkers in weakly developed paleosol ( l_1ss_ ( 1 )) in the Luochuan Loess Section and reconstructed paleovegetation-environment during the Interstade of the last glaciation
Molecular fossils from Carboniferous-Permian boundary strata in Fujian and Their Stratigraphic Significance
Fossil records of lipid molecules from Holocene Peat on zoig ê Plateau
The study of amino - acid molecule in the fossils and its significance
Molecular fossils as indicators for paleoenvironment from Quaternary Red Earth in changxing , zhejiang
A comparative study of n-alkane biomarker and pollen records : an example from southern China
Biomarker , as molecular fossil , recorded the origin and evolutionary history of dinoflagellate .
An Optimized Alkaline Hydrolysis Method to Extract Lipid Biomarkers from Pleistocene Vermicular Red Paleosols : An Example from Xuancheng , Anhui Province
Molecular fossils , or called biomarkers , refer to the organic compounds preserved in geological body , which have specific biological origins .
Pseudogene is regarded as biologic fossil in genome evolution and key in research of biologic evolution and dynamic genome because it keeps information of ancient genes .
With the development of analytical technique , n-alkanes and compound-specific carbon isotopic compositions will be used as a powerful tool that can favor reconstruction of paleo-environment and understanding of modern environment changes .
Molecular fossils , occurring in some metallogenic regions such as the Sichuan Gansu Shaanxi gold triangle area where the organic matter was of super maturity , were believed to be partly introduced into the deposits after the metallogenesis event .
Different researchers do the research in terms of change of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment from various environmental indicators-susceptibility , chroma , sporo-pollen , organic biomarkers , especially study in more detail the climate change in a big scale in Quaternary period .
The endogenous retroviral sequences effectively represent the ' molecular fossils ' of ancient viral genomes , preserving information about ancient virus and host interactions , and hence constitute an invaluable resource for reconstructing the long-term history of virus and host evolution .
Biomarkers of all samples analyzed are characterized by a high carbon number majority of C_ ( 31 ), indicating that grass predominated the vegetation during the interstade of the Last Glaciation in Luochuan area and there was no forest developed during that period .
The origin and phylogenetic relationships of Ostracoda based on molecular , morphologic and fossil data
The evidence from molecular clocks , fossils and geographic distribution data on the origin time of angiosperms has been greatly accumulated in the past two decades .
Nature gas is a kind of mixture in which light hydrocarbons are dominant , it is very difficult to acquire some important origin information because macromolecule fingerprint fossil is absent .
Fifth sins : molecular genetic warfare fossils , miso soup theory is the end .