
diāo nàn
  • make things difficult;create difficulties;obstruct;deliberate harassment;purposely make difficulties for sb;deliberately put obstacles in sb.'s way
刁难 [diāo nàn]
  • [create difficulties;make things difficult;deliberate harassment;obstruct] 故意把事情弄复杂入意出难题使人为难

刁难[diāo nàn]
  1. 刁难、阻挠税务人员进行检查;

    Create difficulties for and obstruct tax collectors from conducting examination ;

  2. 可被同意申请免税的开支或能有权要求从征税中获得的开支费用。税务人员滥用职权,故意刁难纳税人、扣缴义务人的,给予行政处分。

    Expenses which can be claimed against tax . Tax officials who abuse their powers and deliberately create difficulties for taxpayers and withholding agents shall Be subject to administrative sanctions .

  3. 别理她——她是在故意刁难。

    Don 't pay any attention to her ─ she 's just being difficult .

  4. 史密斯先生故意刁难,就是不肯照章办事。

    Mr Smith was obstructive and refused to follow correct procedure .

  5. 女经理伊丽莎白·阿彻多次胁迫和刁难亚当斯先生。

    Mr Adams was repeatedly bullied and picked on by manageress Elizabeth Archer .

  6. 然而,他们发现自己往往不是被赞扬而是遭刁难。

    Yet , as often as not , they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise

  7. 当保罗挖苦你是“著名的女侦探”时,我开始怀疑他是不是故意刁难你。

    When Paul made the crack about the ' famous girl detective ' , I began to suspect that he had it in for you .

  8. 我有点担心他们会刁难他。

    I was a little worried that they were giving him a hard time .

  9. 我希望孩子们能理解,老师是在督促他们尽最大努力,而不是在刁难他们。

    I   hope   kids   can understand that   teachers   push   them   to   do   their   best   and   not   just   to   give them   a   hard   time .

  10. 作为捍卫乙肝病毒携带者权利的主要活动家,陆军(lujun)也有政府对其刁难的经历。

    Lu Jun , a leading campaigner for the rights of hepatitis B carriers , has also first-hand experience of official harassment .

  11. 在这盘影像带中,ISIS一直在刁难美国,意图激怒美国派兵,好“供”他们羞辱。

    In the same video ISIS heckled the US , goading it to send soldiers who could be humiliated .

  12. C.D.C.援引的另一项研究显示,人们常会刁难超重的家庭成员;

    The C.D.C. also cited research showing that families often pick on overweight family members ;

  13. 人力资源解决方案公司求职顾问ChinskyMatuson说:“先调整一下自己的情绪,然后用冷静的语气简单的回答他的提问。特别是如果你的回答让面试官无从刁难的话,他最终就不会再对你有敌意了。

    Job-search mentor Roberta Chinsky Matuson of Human Resource Solutions suggests , " Take a moment to compose yourself . Then simply answer the question using a calm tone . Eventually the person will stop being so hostile , particularly if you are responding in a way that is not giving them any fuel for their fire . "

  14. 校长感到非常震惊,并对自己过去百般的刁难行为致歉。

    The man was astonished and apologised for having tormented him .

  15. 别这样刁难人,先生。

    Don 't take a man up like that , governor .

  16. 我不是有意想要刁难你。

    I did 't mean to make it hot for you .

  17. 记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人。

    The reporter wants to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing question .

  18. 没人能理解何以政府要采取这样一种刁难人的政策。

    No one understands why the government takes such an obstructive policy .

  19. 有时,他为了自得其乐,故意提些冷僻的问题刁难我。

    Sometimes he had amused himself by putting difficult questions to me .

  20. 那些坏孩子把房间弄脏,以此来刁难女佣人。

    The bad children left the room dirty to spite the maid .

  21. 觉得有责任来刁难你一下

    thought it was my duty to come heckle you .

  22. 为了刁难我她什么都说得出来

    She 'll say anything to give me grief .

  23. 他们这样挑和争论就是要故意刁难我们

    They is provocative and controversial just to spite us

  24. 然而,为了自身利益而刁难的行为,会失去朋友。

    But bloody-minded pursuit of self-interest wins few friends .

  25. 别人都同意这个决议,你为甚麽偏要故意刁难?

    Everybody else accepts the decision . Why must you be so bloody-minded ?

  26. 她想,老天爷真是爱刁难人。

    How perverse the gods , she thought .

  27. 他常故意刁难人。

    He deliberately makes things difficult for others .

  28. 你弟弟故意刁难人。

    Eg : your brother is being difficult .

  29. 他处处刁难他们

    he was giving them a hard time ,

  30. 听着,我不是有意刁难梅林,好吗

    Look , I really wasn 't looking to jam up Merlyn , ok ?