- neither swords nor spears can enter;can make no impression on ... either with sword or spear;invulnerable;No blade and spear can pierce it;neither swords nor spears can penetrate;a rigid way of thinking

[neither swords nor spears can penetrate;a rigid way of thinking] 原义是刀杀不进枪刺不死。比喻一个人的思想僵化,批评、鼓励都不起作用
They were as invulnerable as the immortals of olympus .
The count had come to think himself invulnerable .
If you have the sword , nothing can touch you .
People 's army can 't get bit and die ?
In1900 the Boxer rebels of China thought that martial-arts training made them immune to bullets .
While not totally bulletproof , the body armor can stop a small - caliber round .
Ch can seem " bulletproof ", as one Porsche manager says , after brushing off attacks .
Those taking phony supplements reported a greater sense of invulnerability and less of a desire to exercise .
Even the company 's once-bulletproof stock price has been crushed , off 25 % from its peak .
If you do not have to guns and knives into the practice , first to silence is golden .
Holding onto Achilles ' heel , Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons .
I 'm going to go in there and kick some ass when I 'm bulletproof and when I 'm perfect .
But according to Dr. Cacioppo , having many friends and family members around does not guarantee immunity from loneliness if the relationships are missing a strong emotional connection .
I felt immune to the worst things anyone could say or write about me , and to whether the audience felt like to see my movie or not .
A short time later they were rescued by the flour Aureli-anos , whose crosses of ash inspired a sacred respect , as if they were caste marks , stamps of invulnerability .
And even if you got as perfect as you could and as bulletproof as you could possibly muster when you got in there , that 's not what we want to see .
The studies have been so well replicated that universal emotions seem to be bulletproof scientific fact , like the law of gravity , which would be good news for robots and their creators .
At the dawn of the 20th century the members of the anti-Christian Boxer Uprising , who believed their faith made them impervious to bullets , laid siege to the foreign legation embassy quarter in Beijing and also nearly toppled the empire .